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gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks


General area for talks without a retreat


2018-05-10 Heart Path 38:00
Ven. Pannavati Bhikkhuni
2018-05-11 Working with rigorous honesty - Dharma and Recovery Program 55:58
Walt Opie
2018-05-13 03 short guided meditation: mindfulness of the body and physical sensations 15:13
Jill Shepherd
Exploring Anatta: constructing and de-constructing the sense of self - a six-week study and practice course Week 2: A 15 minute guided meditation focus on mindfulness of the body and physical sensations
2018-05-13 04 short talk: dukkha and an overview of the five aggregates 24:11
Jill Shepherd
Exploring Anatta: constructing and de-constructing the sense of self - a six-week study and practice course Week 2: Dukkha as the second of the three universal characteristics; its relationship to the five "clinging-aggregates" and ways that we commonly cling to or identify with the body
2018-05-13 05 guided dyad (pairs) practice exploring the impermanent and not-self nature of the body 17:17
Jill Shepherd
Exploring Anatta: constructing and de-constructing the sense of self - a six-week study and practice course Week 2: guided dyad (pairs) practice, exploring physical sensations in the body (three minutes each), then an example of a time when you became aware of the body's impermanent, unreliable and not-self nature
2018-05-13 Noble Eightfold Path (Right Speech) 54:34
Eugene Cash
2018-05-16 Three Characteristics of How It Is 60:06
Anna Douglas
"Reality is that which doesn't go away when we stop believing in it."
2018-05-20 06 short talk: three qualities of feeling-tone or vedana, three afflictive energies and three personality types 14:17
Jill Shepherd
Exploring Anatta: constructing and de-constructing the sense of self - a six-week study and practice course Week 3: Investigating the three qualities of feeling-tone / vedana, how they can condition the three afflictive energies of greed, hatred and delusion, and how these can form into the three personality types
2018-05-20 Noble Eightfold Path (Right Action) 56:46
Eugene Cash
2018-05-23 Seven Perspectives on Aging and the Stages of Life, Dying, and Spiritual Practice 62:50
Donald Rothberg
Focusing on aging, the stages of life, and dying is a major “dharma door” or gateway. We examine a number of different perspectives to orient us as we go in that door, including how such a focus helps us to clarify the centrality and urgency of spiritual practice, working through social conditioning regarding aging and dying, using the lenses of teachings and practices investigating impermanence and the nature of the self, and awakening.
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