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gift of the teachings
Jill Shepherd's Dharma Talks
Jill Shepherd
Wisdom and compassion are two themes that inform my current exploration of the dharma, and I aspire to integrate these as fully as I can in both formal practice and daily life.
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2025-03-13 talk: Foundations 3 Ethical conduct as a form of generosity 28:04
Auckland Insight Meditation Auckland Insight meetings 2025
2025-03-06 talk: Foundations 2 - Dāna or generosity p2 22:31
Exploring the practice of generosity as an antidote to the individual, societal and environmental harm caused by excessive greed and self-interest
Auckland Insight Meditation Auckland Insight meetings 2025
2025-02-28 22 talk: Insight into the impermanent, imperfect and impersonal nature of experience 25:14
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Nine-day retreat: The heart’s release - Cultivating the spiritual faculties
2025-02-28 20 instructions and meditation: Opening to gladness 42:46
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Nine-day retreat: The heart’s release - Cultivating the spiritual faculties
2025-02-27 17 instructions and meditation: Releasing grasping 45:38
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Nine-day retreat: The heart’s release - Cultivating the spiritual faculties
2025-02-26 16 talk: Relating to afflictive mind-states with wisdom and compassion 26:02
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Nine-day retreat: The heart’s release - Cultivating the spiritual faculties
2025-02-26 15 instructions and meditation: Bringing awareness to mental activity, including thoughts, emotions and mind-states 36:04
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Nine-day retreat: The heart’s release - Cultivating the spiritual faculties
2025-02-25 11 instructions and meditation: Exploring the presence (and absence) of the hindrances 46:40
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Nine-day retreat: The heart’s release - Cultivating the spiritual faculties
2025-02-24 10 talk: Five Hindrances 29:28
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Nine-day retreat: The heart’s release - Cultivating the spiritual faculties
2025-02-24 09 meditation: Opening to sound 39:01
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Nine-day retreat: The heart’s release - Cultivating the spiritual faculties

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