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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

NYI Regular Talks

New York Insight Meditation Center

2017-12-05 Why Relationship Matters: Freeing our Minds, Freeing our World 55:04
Oren Jay Sofer
The teachings of Buddhism are often understood as an individual practice of psychological and spiritual liberation. How do these teachings and practices apply to transforming our relationships and our society? What is the freedom promised by the Buddhist path and how does it relate to issues of systemic oppression and collective suffering?
2018-03-30 TBIF with Kevin Griffin: Living Kindness-guided-meditation 36:35
Kevin Griffin
This guided meditation took place at the start of the evening event with Kevin Griffin
2018-03-30 TBIF with Kevin Griffin: Living Kindness: Buddhist Teachings for a Troubled World 68:57
Kevin Griffin
In a time of great conflict and contention in our society, it’s helpful to look to the Buddhist teachings on loving-kindness for guidance. In this evening talk, Kevin will introduce the themes of his latest project, how to live with wisdom and open-heartedness in the world. Drawing from several early suttas he will talk about the challenges of living in harmony, free from ill-will and the suffering of attachment.
2019-01-11 The Art of Mindful Communication: guided meditation 40:20
Oren Jay Sofer
Mindfulness practice provides a powerful support for clear, kind, and effective conversations. Join author and meditation teacher Oren Jay Sofer for this exploration of how our contemplative practice provides a foundation for bringing more compassion, clarity, and connection into our speech and relationships. In these polarized times, how can we speak and listen in a way that is aligned with our values? How can we hear others with divergent views? Oren will be offering teachings from his new book, Say What You Mean: A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication.
2019-01-11 The Art of Mindful Communication: Right Speech in a Post-Truth World 66:12
Oren Jay Sofer
Mindfulness practice provides a powerful support for clear, kind, and effective conversations. Join author and meditation teacher Oren Jay Sofer for this exploration of how our contemplative practice provides a foundation for bringing more compassion, clarity, and connection into our speech and relationships. In these polarized times, how can we speak and listen in a way that is aligned with our values? How can we hear others with divergent views? Oren will be offering teachings from his new book, Say What You Mean: A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication.
2019-02-18 P.O.C Feb.08, 2019 26:24
Sebene Selassie
This sitting group provides instruction in insight meditation and fosters mutual support and understanding among the growing community of people of color who find nourishment and inspiration in the practice of meditation.
2019-03-08 Compulsive Thinking, Concentration & Equanimity 60:15
Matthew Brensilver
Meditation practice cultivates a diverse set of attentional, emotional and introspective skills. Central to the practice of mindfulness is the stabilization of attention. But before our attention stabilizes, practice can be overstimulating. This talk will explore the process through which the mind comes to rest. In developing this steadiness, equanimity (the capacity to fully permit the flow of both pleasure and pain) is a vital skill. We will see how concentration and equanimity reinforce each other and support a deeper understanding of ourselves. And how this stability, in turn, makes space for the heart to respond with joy and compassion.
2019-03-08 guided meditation 36:52
Matthew Brensilver
Meditation practice cultivates a diverse set of attentional, emotional and introspective skills. Central to the practice of mindfulness is the stabilization of attention. But before our attention stabilizes, practice can be overstimulating. This talk will explore the process through which the mind comes to rest. In developing this steadiness, equanimity (the capacity to fully permit the flow of both pleasure and pain) is a vital skill. We will see how concentration and equanimity reinforce each other and support a deeper understanding of ourselves. And how this stability, in turn, makes space for the heart to respond with joy and compassion.
2019-04-16 P.O.C April 15th 2019 42:02
Nakawe Cuebas Berrios
2019-05-21 People of Color & Insight Out LGBTQI Sangha May 2019 1:55:56
Lama Rod Owens
Lama Rod Owens is the guest teacher for this evening. Members of POC Sangha and Insight Out LGBTQI Sangha are invited to attend. The usual 5/22 Insight Out meeting is cancelled. This sitting group provides instruction in insight meditation and fosters mutual support and understanding among the growing community of people of color who find nourishment and inspiration in the practice of meditation.
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