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Please support Dharma Seed with a 2024 year-end gift.

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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Embodying the Heart of Wisdom: New Year’s Retreat

The Buddha's teachings offer a pathway to discover inner peace, freedom and the compassionate heart. Through deepening our understanding of the nature of things, we can come to know what it means to awaken in the midst of our life, to be deeply connected to our experience, and yet not bound by it.

2024-12-29 (10 days) Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2024-12-30 The body as basis 60:35
Catherine McGee
First morning instructions- inviting the body to be available to attention.
2024-12-30 On Doing ''the Body Thing'': Reflections and Guided Practice 41:01
Akincano Marc Weber
Body as a construct. On touch (phassa) and touching and being touched (phusati). Differing senses create a different relationship - 'seeing', 'hearing' and 'touching' as analogies for attending to something create a different kind of relationship to ourselves. The visual is overdetermined, often at the expense of touch. Feeling the body as an experience of touch rather than being 'observed'.'.
2024-12-31 Different kinds of Attention; their role and relationship to Mindfulness 56:54
Akincano Marc Weber
The challenge of attending and being mindful. Mindfulness (sati) and Attention (manasikāra) are different things. Attention comes in two forms: voluntary and involuntary attention.
2024-12-31 Samadhi : part 1 62:29
Catherine McGee
“As you call into the first, so the first answers’ How to approach your mediation object
2025-01-01 In whose gaze your defenses drop 43:21
Catherine McGee
Practicing resting in and receiving the loving attention of a loving figure.
2025-01-02 Practicing with Vedena 58:35
Catherine McGee
Morning Instructions day 4.
2025-01-03 Seeing is Believing 63:06
Catherine McGee
Our ways of looking are shaped by our views, our patterns of attention, our emotional states, inclinations, intentions and more. Working with these factors we can participate in seeing and sensing the self, others and the world in ways that are onward leading. This talk includes extracts from a practice diary working with a difficult sankhara that was shaping and coloring the perception.
2025-01-04 Guided Equanimity Practice 41:30
Catherine McGee
Being seen with the loving gaze of another who sees that you are perfectly in tact. Then practicing with a loved one who is suffering and whom you would like to be able to meet and love with more equanimity.
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