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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Monday and Wednesday Talks

Regular weekly talks given at the lower Spirit Rock meditation hall

Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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1984-09-01 Daily Life Situation: California Retreat 41:13
Christopher Titmuss
1989-01-01 Introduction To Meditation: Integrating Meditation Into Your Life 1:11:52
Jack Kornfield
Week Four: Techniques for overcoming inevitable distractions and obstacles. Week Five-Tape One: How meditation can enhance every waking moment of your life. USED TO BE 7
In collection: Introduction To Meditation
1989-01-01 Introduction To Meditation 1:11:52
Jack Kornfield
Listening to this comprehensive study course in insight meditation is like attending a beginner's meditation group for five weeks.
1995-05-22 Ajahn Sumedho At Spirit Rock 61:25
Ajahn Sumedho
Reflecting on the meaning and purpose of this strange experience called life.
1997-08-11 Dzogchen View of Mind 1:15:02
Tsoknyi Rinpoche
introduction by Guy Armstrong
1998-08-24 Protecting Ourselves & Other Hopeless Endeavors 46:37
Christopher Titmuss
1998-08-24 Appreciation For Spirit Rock Sangha 38:19
Christopher Titmuss
1998-08-25 It's The Dharma That Counts 43:52
Christopher Titmuss
1998-08-25 Projections, Roles, & Liberation 45:51
Christopher Titmuss
1999-08-22 Day Long Spirit Rock 2 47:49
Christopher Titmuss
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