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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Monday and Wednesday Talks

Regular weekly talks given at the lower Spirit Rock meditation hall

Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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2007-09-10 Calling Yourself 60:07
Norman Fischer
The practice of calling yourself and answering yourself as taught by an ancient Zen master.
2007-10-01 Facing Aggression 54:03
Norman Fischer
Turning away is so natural to us but we must turn toward the aggression within us if we want to overcome it. Our practice is to do this, be patient with what we find, and learn to let it come and go rather than fix it. Then we will be able to act with kindness, and to change this world inside and out.
2007-10-08 Hell, Death & Other Delights 57:10
Wes Nisker
Death, Impermanence, Death Poems, Autumn Melancholy
2007-10-22 The Dharma Of Community Development 1:11:57
Jack Kornfield
The Dharma of community, the spirit of generosity and the development of love and care between humans.
2007-10-29 Quiet The Mind, Open The Heart 69:27
Jack Kornfield
The essence of meditation is a shift of identity and awakening of compassion.
2007-11-19 There's Nothing More Helpful Than Mindfulness 63:24
Jack Kornfield
2007-12-03 Prajna Paramita In The Dragon Mountains 61:01
2007-12-10 The Divine Abodes 66:01
Jack Kornfield
2008-01-02 The First Noble Truth - part 1 of 4 63:04
Sylvia Boorstein
The first of four lectures on the Four Noble Truths, including poetry from Jane Kenyon, Judith Viorst, and Wislawa Szymborska. Emphasizing the First Noble Truth of Suffering.
2008-01-07 Faith, Intention & The Precepts: Three Steps To Deepen Your Practice 59:07
Phillip Moffitt
The training precepts can be utilized for living the dharma in daily life, but to be most effective they need a foundation of faith and intention. Also, by stating the precepts positively and in an expanded fashion, we can find new opportunities for mindfulness and insight.
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