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gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Monday and Wednesday Talks

Regular weekly talks given at the lower Spirit Rock meditation hall

Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2024-12-11 Understanding and Practicing with Anger 63:35
Donald Rothberg
We continue to explore the intersection of our more inner practice and our practice with the larger world, including the U.S. post-election world. Our starting point is seeing how widespread and predominant the emotions of anger and fear are in our society. We look particularly at the nature of anger and how to practice with it, especially in terms of our own anger but also in terms of the anger of others. Anger, it has been said, is the most confusing emotion in Western civilization, seen often over the last 2500 years sometimes as both entirely as negative and sometimes as a quality that manifests, for example, in the Jewish prophets, Jesus, and God. There's a confusion also among Western Buddhists, who may have conditioning related to aversion to anger combined with following problematic translations of terms like dosa (entirely negative in the Buddhist context) as "anger" (not entirely negative in the contemporary Western context). Based on these explorations of the nature of anger, we look at how to practice with anger individually, especially through mindful investigation of anger and how anger can lead either to reactivity and the formation of reactive views of self and/or other, or to skillful action. We also explore practicing with the anger of others through empathy practice. The talk is followed by discussion and sharing, including of the experiences of practicing with anger from several people. The meditation before the talk includes a guided exploration of an experience of anger in the last third of the meditation period (the meditation is also on Dharma Seed).
2024-12-18 Practicing at the Winter Solstice: Guided Meditation 40:39
Donald Rothberg
At the time of the Winter Solstice, our practice (for the Wednesday morning gathering) connects our usual grounding in concentration, mindfulness, and lovingkindness with themes related to the later talk on the Winter Solstice, particularly opening to the unknown and mysterious, and to what is difficult, through mindfulness and compassion.
2024-12-18 Talk: Practicing at the Winter Solstice: Embracing the Dark, Inviting the Light 62:34
Donald Rothberg
The time of the Winter Solstice, leading up to the New Year, can be an important time for practice, as we, like the plants, stop, as we open to not doing as much, to stillness, and to listening. We look at some of the background, across different cultures, for the celebration of the Winter Solstice. We then explore five themes, five metaphors of darkness, that can support our practice at this time: (1) the darkness as related to a stopping and becoming still, like the earth; (2) being able to be with difficulties, the darkness as a metaphor for difficulty or challenge; (3) going into the darkness of not knowing—the unknown, the mystery; (4) the darkness as generative and creative; and (5) the darkness as luminous, generating light, opening us to the light. The talk is followed by discussion.
2024-12-30 The Heart of Generosity 1:45:05
John Martin
2025-01-06 Utilizing the four noble truths for how you relate to your life 64:21
Phillip Moffitt
2025-01-06 Being available leads to choice and how we relate to our experience 2:05:17
Phillip Moffitt
2025-01-08 Guided Meditation: Identifying Some of the Ways that We Construct Experience 37:10
Donald Rothberg
After some basic instructions in developing concentration and stability, as well as mindfulness, we practice in silence. After about another ten minutes, there are several periodic brief periods of guided practice, in which we are guided to notice our main patterns of thought and perception of objects. In the latter part of the period, we are guided to drop constructions of experience in two ways.
2025-01-08 The Nature of Awakening and the Path to Awakening 58:53
Donald Rothberg
As we begin a new year, it's helpful to remember the deep motivation of our practice--to awaken--and to ask how our intention to awaken manifests in our practice. In this talk, we explore the Buddha's metaphor of "awakening" (from sleep, from dreams) as a metaphor for spiritual practices, and how he also speaks of realizing Nirvana. We unpack how the Buddha understood Nirvana and awakening--both negatively, as the end of ignorance, and dukkha and reactivity--and more positively as going fully beyond the ordinary constructions of experience. We also look at how the Buddha understood the practical path of training to realize awakening and Nirvana, and how this was explicated through different teachings and practices. At the end, we briefly bring up the question of what a contemporary path of awakening looks like. The talk is followed by discussion.
2025-01-20 Attuning to the Moral Compass of the Heart 1:50:11
Amana Brembry Johnson
A cross-cultural introduction to the concept of the crossroads in relation to the convergence of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday celebration and the inauguration of the 47th U.S. President on January 20, 2025.
2025-02-03 Wisdom of the Heart: What the Mind Forgets 58:25
Devin Berry
Wisdom of the heart transcends logic—it remembers, connects, and reveals truth. This talk explores the language of the heart (citta), interbeing, and the knowing beyond thought. Through moving stories we uncover the heart’s capacity to awaken. A rich, evocative dharma reflection on trust, belonging, and awakening.
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