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Retreat Dharma Talks

Auckland Insight meetings 2024

Auckland Insight weekly talks 2024

2024-01-18 (331 days) Auckland Insight Meditation

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2024-08-29 short talk: Intro to mettā practice 6:21  RO Talk is visible to Retreants Only
Jill Shepherd
Reflections on mettā practice as a way of re-appreciating our relationships
2024-08-29 meditation: Mettā for a good friend 26:50
Jill Shepherd
2024-10-31 Short talk: Halloween reflections 16:27
Jill Shepherd
What haunts you, and what helps you face fear?
2024-11-07 short talk: Exploring the relationship between dharma and politics 15:05
Jill Shepherd
How might we respond to the results of the 2024 US election?
2024-11-14 talk: The role of pleasure and enjoyment on the path to freedom 27:36
Jill Shepherd
Looking at the common tendency to turn regular practice into a duty or chore, and the importance of appreciating the benefits that come from meditation using the criteria of the ten pāramī ie generosity, ethical integrity, renunciation, wisdom, energy, patience, truthfulness, resolve and determination, mettā and equanimity
2024-11-21 talk: Pleasure and enjoyment on the path P2 18:55
Jill Shepherd
Looking at the conditioning that can get in the way of opening to pleasant experiences, using the framework of the three core personality types: greed, aversive and delusion
2024-11-28 talk by Tony Fernando: Grasping and release 54:00  RO Talk is visible to Retreants Only
Jill Shepherd
Tony talks about some of the themes from his new book Life Hacks from the Buddha
2024-12-05 talk: Pleasure and enjoyment on the path part 3 27:12
Jill Shepherd
Looking at two common reactions to pleasant sense-based experiences: clinging or anxiety; and the Buddha's crucial distinction between sense-based pleasures, which tend to reinforce clinging, and the mental pleasure that comes from cultivating skilful mind-states
2024-12-12 talk: Pleasure and enjoyment on the path part 4 - Muditā 27:08  RO Talk is visible to Retreants Only
Jill Shepherd
Cultivating muditā / appreciative joy or gladness as a skilful response to pleasure
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