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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Bodhichitta: The Awakened Heart - Part 1
2016-02-24 Bodhichitta: The Awakened Heart - Part 1 1:29:22
Tara Brach
While the brightness and warmth of our hearts is always here, like the sun when blocked by clouds, our intrinsic love can be obscured. These two talks explore how we become arrested in a confining story of separate self, and how remembering love releases us from this trance. The first talk emphasizes inner pathways of freeing our heart and the second talk explores awakening bodhichitta actively in relating with each other.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks
Meditation: The Center of Now 22:09
The portal to presence is awakening through the body from the inside out, and then opening to include sound in field of aliveness. This reveals  the awake space that everything’s happening in; the space that lets everything be, just as it is. It’s in that full allowing that we discover the center of now, that pure still presence that is the very source of our being. The meditation ends with an offering of prayer as that presence is experienced in the domain of the heart.
Meditation: Blessings of Love 11:31
(clip from end of "Bodhichitta" talk) - A blessing is whatever reminds us of the sacred loving presence that shines through all of us. This meditation is a transformational practice in receiving and offering blessings. First we connect with the vulnerable tender place within us that longs to feel loved, and call on loving presence to bless us. By imagining and allowing ourselves to receive love, our hearts become open and filled with light. We then bring that inner loving presence fully alive as we offer blessings to other beings. The image of receiving a kiss on the brow, and offering one, is suggested as a powerful channel for the blessings that awaken our heart. 
Bodhichitta — The Awakened Heart - Part 1 55:41
While the brightness and warmth of our hearts is always here, like the sun when blocked by clouds, our intrinsic love can be obscured. These two talks explore how we become arrested in a confining story of separate self, and how remembering love releases us from this trance. The first talk emphasizes inner pathways of freeing our heart and the second talk explores awakening bodhichitta actively in relating with each other. "...being loved into being more who we are is a moment of blessing. What is a blessing? A blessing is a reminder or homecoming into more realness - more love. We're blessed when we remember."

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