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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Embodied Awareness- Embracing Unlived Life - Part 1
2016-03-09 Embodied Awareness- Embracing Unlived Life - Part 1 1:16:44
Tara Brach
When we disconnect from the aliveness of our body, we are in a trance that prevents us from living and loving fully. These two talks examine our habits of dissociation, and the suffering of “unlived life” that this creates. We then look at how practices of mindfulness and compassion, guided by the acronym RAIN, enable us to re-enter our bodies, and discover the creativity, love and wisdom that naturally flow from embodied awareness.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks
Meditation - Embodied Awareness 22:18
This meditation reconnects us to the vibratory aliveness of our bodies, and the space of awareness that suffuses that aliveness. We inhabit embodied awareness in the moments of non-doing, of simply resting as wakeful openness, of pure Being.
Embodied Awareness- Embracing Unlived Life - Part 1 54:26
When we disconnect from the aliveness of our body, we are in a trance that prevents us from living and loving fully. These two talks examine our habits of dissociation, and the suffering of “unlived life” that this creates. We then look at how practices of mindfulness and compassion, guided by the acronym RAIN, enable us to re-enter our bodies, and discover the creativity, love and wisdom that naturally flow from embodied awareness.

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