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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Your Future Self - Turning Towards Your Awakened HeartMind
2016-08-24 Your Future Self - Turning Towards Your Awakened HeartMind 1:12:55
Tara Brach
Our lives are shaped by our evolutionary past - the fears and wants that arise from a separate self sense - and the pull of our evolutionary potential - our awakened heart and mind. This talk explores the power of these pulls, and the teachings and reflections that make us most available and responsive to the calling of our future self.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks
Meditation: Coming Home to Openhearted Awareness 19:00
In daily life we often leave ourselves, get lost in thoughts, and cut off from a direct, openhearted experience of our life. This meditation reconnects by opening all the senses, turning towards the awareness that is here, and resting in the awakened heartspace that includes and tenderly holds our moment to moment experience.
Your Future Self - Turning Towards Your Awakened HeartMind 53:55
Our lives are shaped by our evolutionary past - the fears and wants that arise from a separate self sense - and the pull of our evolutionary potential - our awakened heart and mind. This talk explores the power of these pulls, and the teachings and reflections that make us most available and responsive to the calling of our future self.

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