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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Series - Parami - The Ten Perfections
2015-06-28 Dharma Series - Parami - The Ten Perfections 29:47:04
with Gabe Keller Flores, Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series
Parami - The Ten Perfections - The Four Floods 48:38
Mark Nunberg
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Generosity - Week 1 58:31
Mark Nunberg
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Generosity - Week 3 57:12
Mark Nunberg
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Morality - Week 1 60:06
Mark Nunberg
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Morality - week 2 56:21
Mark Nunberg
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Renunciation - Week 1 56:18
Mark Nunberg
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Renunciation - Week 2 60:46
Mark Nunberg
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Renunciation - Week 3 57:08
Mark Nunberg
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Wisdom - Week 1 58:10
Mark Nunberg
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Wisdom - Week 2 56:58
Mark Nunberg
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Wisdom - Week 3 59:35
Mark Nunberg
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Right Effort - Week 1 56:31
Mark Nunberg
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Right Effort - Week 4 52:33
Mark Nunberg
Four Exertions: preventing, abandoning, developing and maintaining
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Right Effort - Week 5 56:20
Mark Nunberg
Five strategies for abandoning unwholesome mind states that have arisen
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Right Effort - Week 6 58:16
Mark Nunberg
Cultivating Wholesome Thoughts
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Truthfulness, Week 1 53:39
Mark Nunberg
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Truthfulness, Week 2 57:42
Mark Nunberg
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Truthfulness, week 3 55:28
Mark Nunberg
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Truthfulness - week 4 57:28
Mark Nunberg
A reflection on right speech
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Truthfulness - Week 5 55:23
Mark Nunberg
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Truthfulness - Week 6 55:05
Mark Nunberg
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Determination Week 1 57:03
Mark Nunberg
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Determination Week 2 53:18
Mark Nunberg
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Determination Week 3 53:51
Mark Nunberg
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Lovingkindness - Week 1 55:31
Mark Nunberg
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Lovingkindness - Week 2 56:15
Mark Nunberg
Reflecting on Metta
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Lovingkindness - Week 3 54:19
Mark Nunberg
Understanding the Boundless Quality of Love. (Metta)
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Equanimity: Week 1 58:28
Mark Nunberg
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Equanimity: Week 2 49:45
Mark Nunberg
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Equanimity: Week 3 60:08
Mark Nunberg
Parami - The Ten Perfections - Equanimity: Week 5 40:44
Mark Nunberg

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