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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
09: Q&A: Am I Wasting My Opportunity Staying As a Lay Person?
2017-07-29 09: Q&A: Am I Wasting My Opportunity Staying As a Lay Person? 45:09
Ajahn Sucitto
Ajahn Sucitto responds to this question by first reframing it – rather than thinking: here’s the real world, how can I fit my practice into that? Consider: here’s the real practice, what kind of world can I operate in from that place? The reality that’s available to us all, regardless of place or position as monastic or lay person, is refuge. And the real refuge is in your presence. Be a refuge unto yourself.
Aruna Ratanagiri Buddhist Monastery :  Retreat with Ajahn Sucitto

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