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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Guided Meditation Exploring Several Forms of Inquiry 1
2021-12-29 Guided Meditation Exploring Several Forms of Inquiry 1 35:25
Donald Rothberg
After some basic instructions in settling with an anchor, and on being with and seeing clearly what's predominant when somewhat settled, we can also explore several instructions for bringing inquiry (or investigation) into practice, through (1) asking what is present right now; (2) exploring with mindfulness an experience that has some duration, asking, "What's going on in the body? . . . What emotion is there and how does it change? . . . What's the narrative or storyline"; and (3) examining the memory of a challenging experience, and inquiring into what is present in re-living that experience.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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