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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Cultivating Wise Speech 1
2023-07-12 Cultivating Wise Speech 1 61:26
Donald Rothberg
We look first at the importance of wise speech, the way that it forms an integral part of the path of awakening, the way that it is often underdeveloped in Western Buddhist practice, for various reasons, and some of the challenges of speech. We then examine three aspects of wise speech practice: (1) developing presence in the midst of communication; (2) working with the four guidelines for skillful speech developed by the Buddha; and (3) integrating our practice to be mindful and skillful with thoughts, emotions, and body states with our speech practice. The talk is followed by discussion, focused especially on some challenging relational and speech situations.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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