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Guided Meditation: Radiating Metta (Retreat at Spirit Rock)
2025-01-13 Guided Meditation: Radiating Metta (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 37:19
Donald Rothberg
We start with naming two general contexts for metta practice: (1) metta is practiced along with the other three brahmavihara—compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity—and when mature integrates the other three; and (2) there are different ways of practicing metta. We then look at another main way of practicing, likely the way that the Buddha practiced—radiating metta. After a brief overview, we practice radiating metta first through a guided spatial expansion of radiating metta, from one’s own heart to the infinite expanse. Then we practice briefly a simple way of just letting metta radiate. After practice, there is discussion.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mettā Retreat: Teachings and Practices to Cultivate a Wise, Awakened, and Responsive Heart

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