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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks in English
2014-08-25 Relaxinig The Heart 58:50
Leela Sarti
The heart is the territory of our being where things are made personal. It is also the place were our most difficult personal issues are located. The awakened heart is a natural expression real openess, warm acceptance and the joy of being. A fierce, beating heart is needed in order to skillfully meet and transform shame and self-judgement. The fierce heart puts gentle pressure on all our defenses and structures, and when we melt a little, into the the authenticity of our heart, we become nourished but less demanding of life. The natural curiosity and peaceful simplicity of the heart emerges.
Gaia House Joyful Living

2014-08-25 Second Morning - Joyful Living Instructions 31:30
Leela Sarti
Gaia House Joyful Living

2014-08-24 Joy and Presence 56:27
Leela Sarti
The fragmentation of life has a chance of ending when we drop into embodied presence. When our awareness is immediate and intimate with experience we can disentangle ourselves from inner stories, commentaries, concepts, and contracted ideas. The most basic function of the personality is the reduction and the restriction of awareness, but through our own practice we free and expand awareness and learn that it can be a transformative experience to simply pause instead of immediatly filling up the space. When we are open to the immediacy of life, even when it is difficult, the heart responds with kindness, equanimity and joy.
Gaia House Joyful Living

2014-08-24 Mindfulness and the Six Sense Spheres 54:18
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2014-08-24 Real Happiness: at Work and in Life: Afternoon Part I, Talk on Lovingkindness & Instructions on Metta Walking Meditation 27:24
Sharon Salzberg
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

2014-08-24 Real Happiness: at Work and in Life: Morning Part III,Talk & Q&A 60:24
Sharon Salzberg
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

2014-08-24 Real Happiness: at Work and in Life: Morning Part II, Talk & Q&A 33:01
Sharon Salzberg
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

2014-08-24 Real Happiness: at Work and in Life: Morning Part I, Intro Talk & Guided Meditation 29:34
Sharon Salzberg
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

2014-08-24 First Morning - Joyful Living Instructions 43:03
Leela Sarti
Gaia House Joyful Living

2014-08-23 Power and Purpose of Concentration 56:46
Sally Armstrong
Concentration plays a central role in meditation practice. In this talk I look at the different trajectories in the development of concentration and how to use that form skillfully.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Concentration Retreat

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