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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2014-03-16 Seeing Things As They Are 55:43
Gil Fronsdal
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Month Long Retreat

2014-03-16 Knowing Body, Knowing Mind 56:33
Mark Nunberg
Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

2014-03-16 Categories in Metta Practice 52:41
Ariya B. Baumann
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Retreat with Ariya Baumann

2014-03-16 More Than Mindfulness 52:24
Norman Feldman
Gaia House Insight Meditation and Qi Gong

2014-03-16 Brahma Viharas 28:50
John Travis
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Month Long Retreat

2014-03-16 Morning Instructions 54:00
Christina Feldman
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Women in Meditation: 30th Anniversary Retreat

2014-03-15 The Unsurpassed Happiness of Insight and Liberation 49:11
Shaila Catherine
This talk explores insight practice (vipassana) as a profound approach to the unsurpassed happiness of liberation. Awakening (realization of nibbana) arises through the clear seeing of mind and matter as they actually are. Insight into the impermanent, unsatisfactory, and empty nature of things leads to a profound disenchantment and dispassion toward what was previously clung to. Mind and matter will never the a reliable basis for lasting happiness. Seeing this, the mind releases its habits of craving temporary pleasures, and clinging to things that change. The insight into impermanence is the spark for the most profound state of peace and joy, and creates a pleasant dwelling in this very life, even for the Arahant. The talk is followed by a guided meditation that encourages the observation of changing feelings, formations, mental states and emotions—seeing the impermanent nature of all experiences.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2014-03-15 Happiness of a Concentrated Mind—Talk and Guided Meditation 39:54
Shaila Catherine
This is a talk on the theme of the joy of seclusion, followed immediately by a guided meditation on concentration using the breath as the focus. A concentrated mind is a happy mind. Joy, rapture, happiness, pleasure, sublime bliss, peacefulness, and equanimity are intrinsic to concentrated states. This brief talk introduces the four states of concentrated absorption known as the four jhanas and the immaterial states of infinite space, infinite consciousness, the base of nothingness or emptiness, and the base of neither-perception-nor-non-perception. In Buddhism, not only is the rapture and pleasure of attaining jhana a form of happiness, but the deep ease and equanimity of the immaterial states are considered to be refined forms of happiness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2014-03-15 Happiness of Simplicity and Renunciation 18:06
Shaila Catherine
An uncluttered mind and heart brings great joy! Contentment is a state of serene ease, free from the fear of loss. Letting go and renunciation are taught as joyful practices, not penance. The Buddha taught his disciples to "abandon what is not yours, this will lead to your welfare and happiness for a long time". So we ask, what is "not ours"? And by implication, what is really mine? Joyful renunciation enables meditators to investigate the delusion of possessiveness until the mind if freed of all clinging to the impermanent experiences that really cannot be grasped anyway.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2014-03-15 Happiness and the Gladness of Non-remorse 43:19
Shaila Catherine
This talk introduces a series of talks on the theme of happiness, and addresses a tension found in Buddhism between teachings that emphasis suffering, and teachings that encourage profound joy. In the Buddha's teachings a distinction is made between sensual pleasures, and pleasures that develop through wholesome states of virtue, renunciation, concentration, or insight. Happiness can be supportive for practice, and this talk encourages us to enjoy meditation, to open to natural pleasures, and to cultivate delight in the dhamma, but we must understand if the support for our joy is skillful. By reflecting on our virtuous acts, generosity, and meritorious deeds, and by recollecting the noble qualities of the Buddha, we can delight the mind, stimulate self-respect and self-esteem, and inspire our practice with a wholesome source of joy.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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