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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-10-08 Teaching awakening vs obstacles to awakening 10:24
Stephen Fulder
London Insight Meditation Stephen Fulder - The Non-Dual Buddha

2023-10-08 Choice and The Middle Way | Sunday Sound of Dhamma 40:11
Meditation and dhamma talk.
Dassanāya Buddhist Community

2023-10-08 Walking - a mobile frame 9:11
Ajahn Sucitto
Bodhi College Unpicking the Tangled Skein

2023-10-08 Morning sit with instruction (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 69:49
Eugene Cash
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight 2023

2023-10-08 Guided Meditation - External and internal body 31:34
Ajahn Sucitto
Bodhi College Unpicking the Tangled Skein

2023-10-08 Disenchantment from Experience 1:12:52
Louije Kim
Spirit Rock Meditation Center BIPOC Voices - Series

2023-10-07 Discussion on delusion 14:47
Ajahn Sucitto
Several participants relay their personal experiences with and understanding of delusion with responses and commentary by Ajahn. (The participants' voices are read into the file.)
Bodhi College Unpicking the Tangled Skein

2023-10-07 From dukka to liberation (with questions) 45:59
Ajahn Sucitto
Questions are précised and read into the file:14:10 Q1 Is there any significance to this figure of speech “there is a cause, it does not lack a cause” or is it just giving emphasis? 15:38 Q2 How do you withdraw emotional energy? 40:56 Q3 Regarding the role of being inspired, I was thinking about the Buddha’s own journey. His movement towards the path was the fourth messenger, the samana who moved him. If he hadn’t been open to that … 43:45 Q4 At some point we want to be skilful and pay attention to those problematic tendencies. So maybe being caught up in that negative script is like getting caught up in judgement. 44:33 Q5 When you can stand back and look at it without being sucked into the vortex. Is that it?
Bodhi College Unpicking the Tangled Skein

2023-10-07 Q&A 27:06
Ajahn Sucitto
Questions are précised and read into the file: 00:48 Q1 You mentioned subtle body energy, heart and mind energy. Are these the same or different? What is the heart energy? 08:21 How do you heal the citta? 19:52 In dependent arising, is there a link where you can catch it more easily? 24:03 By bringing some acceptance to that craving or that aversion feeling, in my experience it doesn’t normally stop but reveals it more and allows it to be and I can respond to it.
Bodhi College Unpicking the Tangled Skein

2023-10-07 Don't Think That Thoughts Block Meditation 59:41
Nathan Glyde
A guided meditation relating to sounds and thoughts equally, as happenings in sensitive knowing. Followed by a reflection of how we can exaggerate the necessity of a quiet mind in meditation. Suggesting here, too, freedom with might be better than freedom from. This session ends a bit abruptly as there was a call to enter a bomb shelter, but I felt there was enough here to upload. May all beings live in peace.
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - October 2023

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