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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2021-03-21 Inquiry Repeating Questions 10:35
Eugene Cash
What do you hold on to? What have you let go of? What do you experience as you let go right now?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Maranasati: Contemplating Death, Awakening to Life with Eugene Cash, Victoria Cary, Alisa Dennis, PhD and Hakim Tafari

2021-03-21 Metta to Self 27:53
Alisa Dennis
An exploration of Metta to ourselves as we are currently, or as younger or older versions of ourselves. Through this practice, we naturally come to understand how our bodies change across time, a reflection of the truth of impermanence.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Maranasati: Contemplating Death, Awakening to Life with Eugene Cash, Victoria Cary, Alisa Dennis, PhD and Hakim Tafari

2021-03-21 Mindfulness of Breathing, Part 10: Dispassion, Compassion, and Freedom from Suffering - Meditation 41:07
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Mindfulness of Breathing - A Dharma Talk Series with Mark Nunberg

2021-03-21 Mindfulness of Breathing, Part 10: Dispassion, Compassion, and Freedom from Suffering - Talk 34:08
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Mindfulness of Breathing - A Dharma Talk Series with Mark Nunberg

2021-03-21 Meditation 36:18
Eugene Cash
Morning Instructions
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights

2021-03-21 Opening into Consciousness 38:01
Ajahn Sucitto
In meditation we rest into what’s always here. Like dropping a net into the river and seeing what we catch, we simply take note with awareness, deep listening and open presence. Use structures and qualities as a skillful tetherings, to turn citta away from the complexity of stimulation, activity and abstraction. When energies are no longer running out, citta settles in itself. This is samādhi.
Cittaviveka 2021 Cittaviveka Winter Retreat Closing Group Practice

2021-03-20 Meditation 29:26
Eugene Cash
Evening sitting meditation
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Maranasati: Contemplating Death, Awakening to Life with Eugene Cash, Victoria Cary, Alisa Dennis, PhD and Hakim Tafari

2021-03-20 Opening Perspective, Inclining To Well-Being 66:40
Zohar Lavie
Guided meditation and Dharma Talk
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - Mar 2021

2021-03-20 The Truth of Impermanence and Death as Transformation 49:08
Alisa Dennis
Impermanence can be found all around us in Nature. Our bodies exist in Nature and so we are impermanent too. This is an exploration of mindfulness of death and dying as an opportunity to practice letting go while we are living, as preparation for focusing our attention with ease and alertness as we take our last breath in these bodies. Maranasati supports present moment awareness and the deepening of appreciation for life. The deathbed can provide an extraordinary opportunity to cultivate embodied awareness and compassion for self and others. An exploration of death not as the end of life, but as transportation into another realm of consciousness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Maranasati: Contemplating Death, Awakening to Life with Eugene Cash, Victoria Cary, Alisa Dennis, PhD and Hakim Tafari

2021-03-20 Inquiry: Repeating Questions 10minutes each way each question 8:33
Eugene Cash
Tell me something you know about death. Tell me something you don’t know about death.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Maranasati: Contemplating Death, Awakening to Life with Eugene Cash, Victoria Cary, Alisa Dennis, PhD and Hakim Tafari

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