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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-08-21 Short Meditation Practice on Practising with Unsatisfactory; Concluding Teachings on Sensational Unsatisfactoriness. 30:22
Nathan Glyde
Gaia House Sensational Unsatisfactoriness (online evening session)

2023-08-21 Welcome; Introductory Teachings on the Theme of Sensational Unsatisfactoriness; Guided Meditation on Practising with Unsatisfactory; Further Teachings. 56:46
Nathan Glyde
Gaia House Sensational Unsatisfactoriness (online evening session)

2023-08-20 The Joy of Renunciation - Week 1 - Talk 42:59
Mark Nunberg
The weekly practice groups are designed to be a cornerstone for one's practice by providing ongoing instruction and teachings that will help illuminate the simple but challenging practice of mindfulness. The Buddha taught that mindfulness is the way to go beyond habits of distraction and grasping. To walk this path of wisdom and compassion, we need the support of a community that shares this intention. Each session includes a guided meditation, dharma talk, and discussion. Both experienced and beginning meditators are welcome.
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2023-08-20 The Joy of Renunciation - Week 1 - Meditation 25:34
Mark Nunberg
The weekly practice groups are designed to be a cornerstone for one's practice by providing ongoing instruction and teachings that will help illuminate the simple but challenging practice of mindfulness. The Buddha taught that mindfulness is the way to go beyond habits of distraction and grasping. To walk this path of wisdom and compassion, we need the support of a community that shares this intention. Each session includes a guided meditation, dharma talk, and discussion. Both experienced and beginning meditators are welcome.
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2023-08-19 The Usefulness of Truth 1:25:15
Nathan Glyde
The Buddha asked us to speak what is true and useful. Are those the same things? What is more important, usefulness or truth? And what is truly useful? Guided meditation, reflection, and (just Nathan's part of a Q&R session) Bear in mind, this is not speaking about truth as an objective exploration of scientific understanding, but an exploration of the truth of first person subjective knowledge: which is all a meditator can know about their experience.
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - August 2023

2023-08-19 01 opening talks and guided meditation 53:38
Jill Shepherd, Elizabeth Day, Willa Thaniya Reid
Welcome and orientation to the retreat structure and purpose, with guided standing and sitting meditation
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Two-week insight meditation retreat

2023-08-19 Guided meditation 37:31
Ajahn Amaro
London Insight Meditation Ajahn Amaro – Togetherness and Individuality

2023-08-18 From Meditation to Life Practice: Paramitas 45:50
Fred Von Allmen
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg

2023-08-17 Global Witnessing: Take in the Planet's Feedback ~ It's a Practice for Our Times 47:34
Ayya Santacitta
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene | Online Wednesday-Mornings
Aloka Earth Room

2023-08-16 Meditation: Openhearted Presence 19:26
Tara Brach
This meditation guides us to arouse mindfulness through attention to our senses, and to rest in that wakefulness with a receptive and tender presence.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

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