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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2022-01-30 Simple Breath and Body Awareness 30:37
Tempel Smith
All practices of mindfulness begin with commitment toward breath and body awareness. This is where we start our practice and where our practice develops. Here in this guided meditation we simplify our ambition just to rest in the in breath and out breath.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation 1 Month Retreat

2022-01-30 Scanning the body for feeling Tone. 64:02
Bonnie Duran
Guided meditation on Vedana.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Befriending the World through Mindfulness

2022-01-29 Guided Metta Meditation 44:24
Nathan Glyde
Cultivating goodwill.
Gaia House Lingering in Happiness

2022-01-28 Week 3 - Guided Meditation 42:49
Kirsten Kratz
Breathing w Compassionate Presence
Gaia House Transforming Self - Transforming World (online series)

2022-01-28 Week 3 - Guided Meditation 40:15
Kirsten Kratz
Holding Self & Other in Compassion
Gaia House Transforming Self - Transforming World (online series)

2022-01-28 Honoring Thich Nhat Hannh, Breath meditation, Q+A 1:34:56
Bhante Sujato
Honoring Thich Nhat Hannh. Breath meditation explained and guided by Bhante Sujato. Q+A: sīlā, samādhi, paññā as a comprehensive framework for the elements of the path, derived from the Buddha's teaching on the Gradual Training, e.g. in Dīgha Nikāya 2. Breath meditation as opposed to ancient pranayama techniques trying to control the breath. Meditation methods require balance between receiving and doing. Threshold concentration. Weird experiences during meditation.
Lokanta Vihara
Attached Files:
  • DN 2, Sāmaññaphala Sutta by (Link)
  • AN 106, Nijjara Sutta by (Link)

2022-01-26 Week 3 - Exploring Compassion - Karuna 1:24:31
Kirsten Kratz
Instructions & Guided Meditation
Gaia House Transforming Self - Transforming World (online series)

2022-01-25 Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation, Week 3 — Opening thoughts and guided meditation 57:02
Mark Nunberg
Meditation begins around 27:30
Common Ground Meditation Center Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation: 6-week course

2022-01-23 Week 2 - Instructions and Guided Meditation 51:05
Kirsten Kratz
-Welcoming All Experience With Kindness and Compassion
Gaia House Transforming Self - Transforming World (online series)

2022-01-23 Guided Meditation on Compassion 44:54
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Dana Retreat: Inner Peace and Fierce Compassion

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