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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-07-23 Guided Meditation Exploring Reactivity 45:10
Donald Rothberg
After an introduction of the teacher, there is a 30-minute guided meditation. We set the intention to track for moments of reactivity, and then have the first 10 minutes or so for settling. Then there are several lightly guided suggestions of ways to practice with reactivity, including noticing moderate or a little greater experiences of pleasant or unpleasant, and seeing whether we move to wanting and grasping, on the one hand, or not wanting or pushing away, on the other. At the end, there is guided practice on bringing up an experience of reactivity and exploring it especially with mindfulness and the wisdom of appropriate response. The meditation is followed by a dana talk.
Benicia Insight Meditation

2023-07-23 Cultivating Pleasant Listening - Meditation Instructions 1 63:51
Nathan Glyde
Adjusting our breathing and listening to incline towards a pleasant abiding.
SanghaSeva Cultivating The Beautiful

2023-07-23 Sunday's Sitting Meditation with Instructions and Q/R 62:37
Kamala Masters
Focus: Hindrances
Spirit Rock Meditation Center July Insight Meditation Retreat

2023-07-23 Sunday's Early Morning meditation 62:57
Roxanne Dault
Spirit Rock Meditation Center July Insight Meditation Retreat

2023-07-22 Establishing the Practice - Guided Meditation 1 42:42
Zohar Lavie
Includes suggestions for good posture for stillness practice, and instructions for movement (walking) meditation at end
SanghaSeva Cultivating The Beautiful

2023-07-22 Meditation with light guidance 22:26
John Peacock
London Insight Meditation John Peacock – Buddhist Ethics in the Contemporary World

2023-07-22 Ethics versus Meditation 40:23
John Peacock
London Insight Meditation John Peacock – Buddhist Ethics in the Contemporary World

2023-07-22 Morning Reflections #19: Meditation Subjects for Rahula 30:07
Sayadaw U Jagara
After a fifteen minute period of silent practice, the reflections on developing a mind like air and like space were presented.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge July 2023

2023-07-21 Friday's Guided Metta Meditation with Questions & Responses 1:16:02
Kamala Masters
Focus: Metta for Benefactor, Self; Friends
Spirit Rock Meditation Center July Insight Meditation Retreat

2023-07-21 Friday's Sitting Meditation with Instructions & Questions/ Responses 1:13:08
Joseph Goldstein
Focus: Breath & Introduction to Walking Instructions
Spirit Rock Meditation Center July Insight Meditation Retreat

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