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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2021-08-04 Guided Meditation: Practicing with the Eight Worldly Winds 2 37:38
Donald Rothberg
After some general instructions for settling and seeing clearly and a period of practice, there is guidance for practicing with the Eight Worldly Winds (pleasure or pain, gain or loss, fame or disrepute, and praise or blame). We focus first on being attentive to moderate or greater levels of pleasant or unpleasant experiences (when the experiences are in the "workable" range). Then we bring in attention to the other Winds, when they arise.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2021-08-04 Practice Instructions and Guided Meditation 57:07
Jaya Rudgard
Settling, grounding and stabilising.
Gaia House Inside-outside: the mystery of I, me, mine

2021-07-29 talk: Wise Mindfulness or sati 30:59
Jill Shepherd
Short talk on what makes mindfulness Right or Wise, then a group guided meditation/contemplation exploring different aspects of sati, based on questions from Gregory Kramer's book A Whole-Life Path
Auckland Insight Meditation Living a life of mutual benefit: Exploring the Noble Eightfold Path

2021-07-29 Guided Meditation, Teachings (Closing Session) 49:40
Nathan Glyde
Keeping the Retreat Alive
Gaia House Coming to Life: Waking up to Intimacy with Existence

2021-07-28 Guided Meditation 43:45
Nathan Glyde
Metta to All Phenomena
Gaia House Coming to Life: Waking up to Intimacy with Existence

2021-07-28 Deepening Daily Life Practice 3: A Guided Meditation: Settling, Practicing with Pleasant and Unpleasant and Tendencies to Reactivity, Practicing with the Eight Worldly Winds 37:48
Donald Rothberg
In this guided meditation, we start with about 10 minutes of settling. We then attend to when there is a moderate or greater pleasant or unpleasant feeling-tone, bringing some investigation as to what occurs in ones' experience, including tendencies to reactivity (grasping or pushing away). Toward the end of the guided meditation, there's an invitation to track for those forms of reactivity coming after one of the Eight Worldly Winds (pleasure or pain, gain or loss, fame or disrepute, and praise or blame).
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2021-07-27 Guided Metta Meditation 46:00
Zohar Lavie
Metta to Sensations
Gaia House Coming to Life: Waking up to Intimacy with Existence

2021-07-26 Buddhist Studies: Mindfulness of the Mind, Week 5 - Talk 49:57
Mark Nunberg
The Buddhist Studies courses are designed for people who have attended three or more mindfulness meditation retreats and have a commitment to daily meditation practice. This ongoing program is designed to deepen our understanding through the study and application of the teachings of the Buddha. Classes will include dharma talks, large and small group discussions, and guided sitting time. Participants will be expected to use the teachings as a focus for their daily practice. Led by Mark Nunberg. This six week course is a continuation of our year-long study of the Buddha’s discourse on the four foundations of mindfulness. With mindfulness of the mind, the Buddha invites us to notice whether the mind is with or without greed, anger, or delusion. We can learn to discern whether the mind is contracted and distracted or whether the mind is open and still. Learning to recognize the shape and quality of the mind is the first step toward deepening insight and release.
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies Course: Mindfulness of the Mind

2021-07-26 Buddhist Studies: Mindfulness of the Mind, Week 5 - Meditation 34:20
Mark Nunberg
The Buddhist Studies courses are designed for people who have attended three or more mindfulness meditation retreats and have a commitment to daily meditation practice. This ongoing program is designed to deepen our understanding through the study and application of the teachings of the Buddha. Classes will include dharma talks, large and small group discussions, and guided sitting time. Participants will be expected to use the teachings as a focus for their daily practice. Led by Mark Nunberg. This six week course is a continuation of our year-long study of the Buddha’s discourse on the four foundations of mindfulness. With mindfulness of the mind, the Buddha invites us to notice whether the mind is with or without greed, anger, or delusion. We can learn to discern whether the mind is contracted and distracted or whether the mind is open and still. Learning to recognize the shape and quality of the mind is the first step toward deepening insight and release.
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies Course: Mindfulness of the Mind

2021-07-26 Guided Metta Meditation 38:58
Nathan Glyde
Gaia House Coming to Life: Waking up to Intimacy with Existence

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