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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2016-12-28 Walking Meditation Instruction 9:56
Hugh Byrne
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2016 IMCW New Year Retreat: Awakening the Heart of Compassion

2016-09-11 Space Walking 4:41
Ajahn Sucitto
Walking Meditation Instructions: As we settle in to walking meditation, something starts to flow. Details merge into a sense of ease, pliability and motility, all of which help us meet potentially difficult topics.
London Insight Meditation Guided by Nature

2016-09-10 Walking with Nowhere to Go 5:05
Ajahn Sucitto
Walking Meditation Instructions: Customarily, walking is about 'getting somewhere', but in walking meditation there's nowhere to go. Widen the perceptual field like a bubble and tune into how the body walks.
London Insight Meditation Guided by Nature

2016-07-02 The Anxiety of Impermanence and the Impermanence of Anxiety, part 2: walking meditation instructions 12:26
Ajahn Pasanno
Walking meditation instructions.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2016-06-15 Guided meditation day one - arriving and settling 55:46
Nikki Mirghafori
Guided meditation for settling the mind, walking meditation instructions and Q/A
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Examining Reality as a Path to Freedom: Insight Meditation Retreat for Experienced Students

2016-05-13 7 ) Walking Meditation - Why Should We Do It 64:27
Ariya B. Baumann
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Month-long retreat with Ariya Baumann

2016-04-24 Remarks on Walking Meditation 13:10
Ajahn Sucitto
Without pushing forward, without having a goal, experience the motion and flow of walking. Allow citta to pick up the embodied signal in movement – and come home.
Padmasambhava Peace Institute :  Body, Heart and Mind: Embodying Citta

2016-03-24 Space Allows Things to Rise, Pass, Walking Meditation 29:38
Ajahn Sucitto
Buddhist Retreat Centre :  The Deeper You Go, the Lighter it Gets

2015-12-31 Q&A: A Brief Pocket-Map to Jhana 43:24
Ajahn Sucitto
Wandering mind; sleepiness; unpleasant body sensations; steps to first jhana; where to place attention when walking meditation; taking on practice in wilderness as a lay woman; chanting
Uttama Bodhi Vihara :  Meditation Retreat with Luang Por Sucitto in Uttama Bodhi Vihara (UBV)

2015-12-30 Meditation Instructions for sitting and walking 67:48
Yanai Postelnik
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Embodying the Heart of Wisdom: New Year’s Retreat

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