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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2021-04-24 Guided Meditation - Attentive Disengagement 18:10
Ajahn Sucitto
In meditation we’re making a shift from being engaged to being attentive but disengaged. Disengagement has a cool, easeful quality to it, giving us leverage against the strong emotional pressures of the mind. From this place we can make peace with the mind that is never at ease.
Cittaviveka At Home with the Homeless: Ajahn Sucitto Locked Down

2021-04-23 Inquiry meditation, Dhamma talk on Life of the Buddha - Part 2 1:38:33
Bhante Sujato
At Harris Park – inquiry meditation guided by Bhante Sujato, Dhamma talk by Bhante Sujato on the life of the Buddha: suttas that show the Bodhisatta's struggles on his way to awakening. MN 4 - Fear and Dread - Bhayabherava sutta. MN 19 - Two Kinds of Thought - Dvedhāvitakka sutta. MN 128 - Corruptions - Upakkilesa sutta.
Lokanta Vihara

2021-04-21 Doing and Not-Doing in Meditation and Daily Life 5: Talk, Guided Meditation, Discussion 1:15:23
Donald Rothberg
We briefly review the main themes of our practice in the last sessions: The importance of "doing" and skillful effort in our formal practice and in our daily lives; the parallel importance of "not-doing" (particularly receptivity) in these areas; some ways to inquire into the nature of our identities as "doers"; some ways of bringing these practices into daily life; the experience of "flow" and being an "expert" in a given area as pointing to a kind of "doing" coming out of a deep not-doing; and the theme of not-doing in Taoist tradition (emphasizing the work of Chuang Tzu) and Buddhist tradition. We suggest that all of practice points toward this deep non-doing as an expression of awakening. We then explore this territory in a 20-minute guided meditation, followed by discussion.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2021-04-21 Guided Meditation on Doing and Not-Doing in Our Meditation Practice 30:29
Donald Rothberg
A thirty-minute or so guided meditation, lightly guided, with three successive instructions: (1) to set intentions in light of whether one needs in general to emphasize "doing" more or less, and then to focus initially on settling, connecting with the primary object and noticing when one is distracted; (2) to emphasize receptivity as a dimension of not-doing in being with what is predominant, after an initial period of settling; and (3) opening to a kind of "choiceless awareness," simply noticing what is occurring moment by moment.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2021-04-17 Guided Meditation - Stable Disengagement 17:38
Ajahn Sucitto
Body and mind work together to bring about the sense of stability and balance. Disengagement is then possible, becoming your frame of reference as phenomena arise. Agreeable feeling comes from disengagement.
Cittaviveka At Home with the Homeless: Ajahn Sucitto Locked Down

2021-04-16 Breath meditation, Dhamma talk on Life of the Buddha - Part 1 1:39:16
Bhante Sujato
First hybrid event in Harris Park – breath meditation guided by Bhante Sujato, Dhamma talk by Bhante Sujato on the life of the Buddha: the man behind the myth. On renunciation and the moment of decision. Attadanda sutta (Sutta Nipata)
Lokanta Vihara

2021-04-14 Meditation: Coming Home with the Breath 17:46
Tara Brach
This guided practice has a short period of relaxing the body, and establishes the breath as a home base for attention. We practice arriving again and again, deepening the pathway of homecoming. The meditation ends with lovingkindness for ourselves and our world.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2021 IMCW Spring Retreat: Intimacy with Life

2021-04-14 Guided Meditation – Let Open Restfulness Clean the Mind 51:32
Ajahn Sucitto
Within an open restful frame, things can be expressed, felt and sensed. It’s a chance for things to complete themselves and move on. The only effort is to stay in touch with this open restful frame. Just let the still openness work for you.

2021-04-14 Doing and Not-Doing in Meditation and Daily Life 4: Talk, Guided Meditation, and Discussion 1:13:33
Donald Rothberg
We review briefly the basic perspectives that we've explore in preceding sessions: the importance of active "doing" in meditation and daily life, the importance as well as receptivity and "not-doing" in meditation and daily life, and ways in which to inquire into our more fixed identity as a "doer." We then look at two broad perspectives on a doing coming out of a deep not-doing: (1) in "flow" experiences and the experiences of "experts" in a given area, with examples from art, music, sports, and everyday life; and (2) in spiritual traditions, with a particular emphasis on Taoist and Buddhist sources. Then there is a second guided meditation, about 20 minutes long, and beginning at 35:55, grounded in the earlier guided meditation before the talk, in which we explore a progressive letting-go of both more gross and more subtle dimensions of meditative doing, opening up to a deeper non-doing, which can be the basis for the "doing coming out of a deep not-doing" we explored in the talk. Finally, we have open discussion.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2021-04-14 Doing and Not-Doing in Meditation and Daily Life: Guided Meditation 1 28:40
Donald Rothberg
About a 30-minute guided meditation emphasizing the balance of more active "doing" and more receptive awareness (a kind of "not-doing") in meditation. We start with intentions and then settling of attention and awareness, followed by opening up to what is predominant, integrating both more active and more receptive dimensions of practice. This session is followed by a talk on the theme of doing and not-doing in meditation and daily life, and a second guided meditation, which goes more deeply into not-doing.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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