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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2018-08-19 Metta (self, benefactor) 45:53
Narayan Helen Liebenson
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Your Life Is Your Practice: Insight Meditation Retreat

2018-08-19 Morning talk, instructions, and answering questions 64:59
Bob Stahl
Casa de Espirtualidad Santa Elena :  Retiro mindfulness de 7 días agosto (with Bob Stahl)

2018-08-19 Wes Nisker and Joanna Macy - Liberation Dharma: Collective Awakening to Heal the World 5:09:00
Joanna Macy
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2018-08-18 Evening Dharma talk, 5 hindrances - 5 obstáculos a la meditación 69:37
Bob Stahl
Casa de Espirtualidad Santa Elena :  Retiro mindfulness de 7 días agosto (with Bob Stahl)

2018-08-18 Refuge in Sangha with Andrea Fella and Amana Brembry Johnson 61:35
Pamela Weiss, Amana Brembry Johnson, Andrea Fella

2018-08-18 Kshanti Paramita 51:51
Pamela Weiss

2018-08-18 How Much Effort? 39:48
Kim Allen
Insight Santa Cruz

2018-08-18 Morning talk, instructions 22:53
Bob Stahl
Casa de Espirtualidad Santa Elena :  Retiro mindfulness de 7 días agosto (with Bob Stahl)

2018-08-17 Dukkha. 51:22
Caroline Jones
The second in a series of talks on the three characteristics of experience: impermanent, unsatisfying and not me or mine.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge August 2018 at IMS- Forest Refuge

2018-08-17 Evening Dharma talk, inspiration - inspiración 1:27:52
Bob Stahl
Casa de Espirtualidad Santa Elena :  Retiro mindfulness de 7 días agosto (with Bob Stahl)

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