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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2021-04-04 Brahmaviharas Guided Meditation 35:20
Ayya Santussika
Karuna Buddhist Vihara

2021-04-03 03 Guided Meditation 59:06
Roxanne Dault
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Insight Meditation and the Forces at Play in Our Lives - 21JG0

2021-03-31 Doing and Not-Doing in Meditation and Daily Life 3 68:17
Donald Rothberg
We start with a brief review of what we’ve explored in the last two sessions on this theme, including the importance of both doing and not-doing in Buddhist practice and the nature of identification with the “doer” (and the related themes of self, time, and the future). We then go into more depth inquiring into the nature of the “doer,” including a brief guided meditation looking into the experience of “doing” and opening to not-doing in meditation. We lastly further investigate traditions (Jewish, Christian, Taoist, and Buddhist) that point to the importance of a doing coming out of not-doing, and ways that we can experience and explore this doing coming out of not-doing in daily life, including in the experiences of creativity in art and music, and being “in the zone” in sports.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2021-03-27 Dhamma Stream Guided Meditation – Jhāna is Based on Disengagement 11:57
Ajahn Sucitto
Properly establishing jhāna begins with disengagement. With eyes slightly open, downcast, poised between the inner and outer world, widen attention. Open up sensitivity of awareness without focusing on any particular object, attentive to the qualities that sustain that cool balance.
Cittaviveka At Home with the Homeless: Ajahn Sucitto Locked Down

2021-03-20 Opening Perspective, Inclining To Well-Being 66:40
Zohar Lavie
Guided meditation and Dharma Talk
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - Mar 2021

2021-03-19 Wishless Meditation and Dhamma Talk 1:19:54
Bhante Sujato, Bhante Akāliko
Wishless Meditation guided by Bhante Sujato, Dhamma talk by Bhante Sujato on desire
Lokanta Vihara

2021-03-19 Guided Meditation -- Mindfulness of Sound 16:27
Kim Allen
Insight Santa Cruz

2021-03-19 Guided Meditation -- Mindfulness of the Breath in the Body 19:53
Kim Allen
Insight Santa Cruz

2021-03-17 Guided Meditation – Filtering the Flood 52:55
Ajahn Sucitto
In meditation we practice viewing the stream of circumstance from the place of acknowledgement. Let the stream flow past without getting into the details. Centering practices of body, presence, ethics and heart strengthen the possibility to shift attention from the outflows to here.

2021-03-13 Morning Teachings and Guided Meditation 53:45
Yanai Postelnik
Guidance on turning towards what may be difficult in our experience, with care and kindness.
Gaia House Insight Meditation and Yoga

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