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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2016-10-03 2016 Metta Retreat : Q&A : Bhante Pannaratana 61:32
Bhante Henepola Gunaratana
Bhavana Society of West Virginia 2016 Metta Retreat

2016-10-03 2016 Metta Retreat : Q&A : Samanera Jayantha 1:12:25
Bhante Henepola Gunaratana
Bhavana Society of West Virginia 2016 Metta Retreat

2016-10-03 2016 Metta Retreat : Various Aspects of Metta : Samanera Jayantha 53:24
Bhante Henepola Gunaratana
Bhavana Society of West Virginia 2016 Metta Retreat

2016-10-02 The power of lovingkindness 61:55
Guy Armstrong
The practice of metta-brings five powerful benefits. It makes the heart more responsive, purifies the mind, leads to concentration, connects us to all sentient life, and brings happiness.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Part 1

2016-10-01 Metta - Die Entwicklung einer Haltung grundlegenden Wohlwollens gegenüber allen Wesen 64:00
Renate Seifarth
Der Vortrag stellt die Metta-Praxis dar, erklärt um welche Haltung es sich bei Metta handelt, warum dies so bedeutsam ist, welche Strategie angewendet wird und welche Hindernisse häufig auftreten.

2016-09-30 Day 4 Sitting and Instructions: Metta 40:56
Vinny Ferraro
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Kind Awareness: The Integration of Metta and Vipassana

2016-09-29 Day 3 Sitting and Instructions: Metta 39:51
JoAnna Hardy
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Kind Awareness: The Integration of Metta and Vipassana

2016-09-28 Day 2 Sitting and Instructions: Metta 45:21
Noah Levine
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Kind Awareness: The Integration of Metta and Vipassana

2016-09-27 Day 1 Sitting & Instructions: Metta 42:20
Vinny Ferraro
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Kind Awareness: The Integration of Metta and Vipassana

2016-09-27 Brussels Metta 1 43:11
Zohar Lavie
Guided Metta ( Loving Kindness ) meditation ( part one of three )
SanghaSeva Meditation and Metta in Brussels Aug 2016

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