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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2017-12-08 Insight Meditation - Instructions for Standing Meditation 31:03
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House A Path of Peace and Kindness

2017-12-08 Insight Meditation - Overview & Initial Instructions 39:29
Yanai Postelnik
Instructions for sitting and walking meditation: gathering and steadying the heart-mind.
Gaia House A Path of Peace and Kindness

2017-12-08 Morning Instructions 44:29
Kamala Masters
Perth, Australia :  Perth Insight Meditation Retreat

2017-12-08 Day 5 Morning Compassionate Movement (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 34:01
Amana Brembry Johnson
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Courage to Live: The Practice of Forgiveness

2017-12-08 Guided Meditation: Arriving and Opening to Experience 44:58
Oren Jay Sofer
Early morning guided meditation introducing the practice of samatha-vipassana.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Right Speech: Words That Lead to Awakening

2017-12-08 The Courage to Live: The Practice of Forgiveness 30:31
Noliwe Alexander
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Courage to Live: The Practice of Forgiveness

2017-12-07 Words that Lead to Awakening: Right Speech and the Capacity to Connect 62:10
Oren Jay Sofer
We are social creatures with the capacities for connection, empathy, and understanding. This talk introduces the practice of Right Speech as an essential part of the path to awakening.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Right Speech: Words That Lead to Awakening

2017-12-07 Day 4 Guided PM Meditation (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 44:34
Konda Mason
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Courage to Live: The Practice of Forgiveness

2017-12-07 Looking At Your Life Through a Dharma Lens 46:27
James Baraz, Kate Munding
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2017-12-07 Second Noble Truth - The Cause of Suffering 65:08
Kamala Masters
Perth, Australia :  Perth Insight Meditation Retreat

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