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Dharma Talks
2018-02-26 Pas parfait, pas permanent, pas personnel, Institut Pleine Conscience, Belgique 59:25
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

2018-02-26 Hold attention steady with a wide visual field 42:39
Ajahn Sucitto
For awareness that’s not fully awakened or grounded, there are bound to be reactions, so ideally we place our attention on simple forms that have least reactivity as possible.. Practice with a wide visual field, placing attention on the frame rather than objects within the frame.
Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary :  Ajahn Sucitto Dhamma Retreat

2018-02-26 Energy, its bondage and liberation 60:44
Ajahn Sucitto
All living things have energy, it’s our natural vitality, but it gets programmed to be driven, compulsive, and stressful. There is possibility of withdrawing energy from activities that cause suffering, that which we do compulsively.
Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary :  Ajahn Sucitto Dhamma Retreat

2018-02-26 Instruction - conscious attention 20:15
Ajahn Sucitto
Attention is a constant thing, so if you don’t place it, it will find its own place, and it will generally place itself into suffering – what could be, should be, things we can’t quite manage. Place it somewhere useful, starting with the body. This is the foundation. [10:03 instructions on breathing and breath energy] With good clear breath energy, mind can establish mindfulness. Careful attention prepares the ground so there’s something suitable to be mindful of. [20:10 begin silent sitting meditation]
Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary :  Ajahn Sucitto Dhamma Retreat

2018-02-25 Exploration de l’équanimité, Méditation guidée, Institut Pleine Conscience, Belgique 26:26
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

2018-02-25 Initial Instruction - devotion, posture, breathing 56:05
Ajahn Sucitto
Rather than getting somewhere or accumulating anything, Dhamma practice is a matter of bringing forth from ourselves in terms of presence, faith and attention. Attention is a matter of the heart, and the heart is very much supported through the body. Mindfulness of body is the frame; with suitable posture the process of breathing can flow through naturally. [40:02 Begin standing instructions]
Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary :  Ajahn Sucitto Dhamma Retreat

2018-02-25 Qualities that Support Mindfulness (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 59:26
Andrea Fella
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight Meditation 1-Month Retreat

2018-02-25 Faith - Talk 47:57
Shelly Graf
Common Ground Meditation Center

2018-02-25 Guided Meditation 34:40
Shelly Graf
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2018-02-25 Vier Wahrheit – vier Aufgaben. Wenden wir uns der ersten zu. 53:11
Renate Seifarth
Das Erkennen der vier Wahrheiten, woraus sich vier Aufgaben erstricken, die uns zu einem tiefen Verständnis der menschlichen Disposition verhelfen. Wir setzen uns auseinander mit der Frage, was es heißt zu leben. Insbesondere setzen wir uns auseinander mit bedrückenden Erfahrungen und unserer Reaktion darauf. Schlüsselbegriffe sind die 4 Wahrheiten und dukkha.
Seminarhaus Engl :  3-Wochenretreat / 3-week retreat

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