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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2016-07-17 Day 4 Morning Sit with Instructions: Metta Practice Benefactors 29:57
Nikki Mirghafori
Spirit Rock Meditation Center July Metta Retreat

2016-07-16 Metta and Its Benefits 52:21
Nikki Mirghafori
G.R.A.C.E. as an acronym for practice; benefits of metta from the suttas and scientific studies; contemplative and universal aspirations for practicing loving-kindness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center July Metta Retreat

2016-07-16 Day 3 Morning Sit with Instructions: Metta for Easy Person 37:14
Heather Martin
Spirit Rock Meditation Center July Metta Retreat

2016-07-15 The Mollusk of the Heart 67:02
Heather Martin
How to recognize and not be caught by the contracting heart and the forces which diminish metta.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center July Metta Retreat

2016-07-15 Day 2 Morning Sit with Instructions: Metta for Self and Easy Person 37:29
Sally Armstrong
Spirit Rock Meditation Center July Metta Retreat

2016-07-14 Day 1 Afternoon Sit with Instructions: Introduction of Metta Practice 48:15
Heather Martin
Spirit Rock Meditation Center July Metta Retreat

2016-06-26 Metta for a difficult person 48:11
Gina Sharpe
Metta based on wisdom develops the heart/mind
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center People of Color Retreat

2016-06-23 Opening metta instructions 53:40
Joseph Goldstein
Working with self and benefactor
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center People of Color Retreat

2016-06-23 Metta: The Heart’s Release 1:11:47
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage 2016 Summer Sayadaw Vivekananda & Marcia Rose Retreat

2016-06-19 Guided Meditation 53:22
Nikki Mirghafori
Instructions on practicing metta as friendliness. Investigating the mind and the mental factors. Followed by Q/A.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Examining Reality as a Path to Freedom: Insight Meditation Retreat for Experienced Students

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