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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2024-05-07 Evening chanting in Pali 58:56
Ajahn Amaro
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Monastic Retreat

2024-05-07 Turning Back to the Path (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 63:01
Ayya Anandabodhi
Laying out the framework of Right Effort and Right Mindfulness, with a story about the hawk and the quail (Simile of the Quail).
Spirit Rock Meditation Center With the World on Fire, Embody the Eightfold Path

2024-05-07 Kindness: Being Able to Love 27:23
Brian Lesage
Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community

2024-05-07 Holiday for the citta 43:51
Ajahn Sucitto

2024-05-07 Mindfulness of Breathing Lite (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 50:01
Ayya Santussika
A guided meditation lightly touching on most of the 16 instructions of anapanasati.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center With the World on Fire, Embody the Eightfold Path

2024-05-07 Taking an Interest in the Struggle ~ That's the Way We Learn (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 56:03
Ayya Santacitta
Reflection on the Noble Eightfold Path & the Four Establishments of Mindfulness
Spirit Rock Meditation Center With the World on Fire, Embody the Eightfold Path

2024-05-07 Morning reflection and reflection 46:04
Ajahn Amaro
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Monastic Retreat

2024-05-06 Buddhist Studies: Dependent Origination - Week 2 of 5 - Meditation 28:11
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2024-05-06 Buddhist Studies: Dependent Origination - Week 2 of 5 - Talk 41:44
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2024-05-06 Evening, chanting and dharma talk by Ayya Khemaka 1:50:05
Ajahn Amaro, Ayya Khemakā
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Monastic Retreat

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