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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2017-09-16 The Hinderances At The Heart Of Our Practice 47:07
John Martin
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 1

2017-09-16 Question and Answer Session 54:13
Martin Aylward
Martin answers questions from students on the closing night of the retreat. Subjects covered include Martins own relationship to dharma practice, questions about integration, exploring Buddhist teachings and working with various obstacles.
Gaia House Awakening in Stillness and Movement

2017-09-16 05 Guided Meditation – Ground as a Reference Point 26:34
Ajahn Sucitto
Beginning with standing position, take time to sense the space around that is non-intrusive, safe. Strengthening from the ground up, through the arch of the foot, and sending signals down, rooting. When you do feel centered you can maintain a center – that’s the most important thing.
London Insight Meditation "I" without "Am" … the Open Field of Mind

2017-09-16 04 Sense of Self 19:39
Ajahn Sucitto
The sense of orientation is a requirement, and it brings up the sense of self. It generates relationally, in response to objects, others, memories, etc. Generally that “me” sense is a set of mental impressions, not something fixed or solid. In relational context, the theme then is to maintain a sense of presence, establish primary reference, and use the body to get a feeling for that.
London Insight Meditation "I" without "Am" … the Open Field of Mind

2017-09-16 The Spiritual Journey 52:22
Diana Winston
In this talk, Diana weaves together stories from her own spiritual journey with what she sees as universal aspects of the spiritual path. She talks about obstacles that arise on the path, learning to love ourselves more deeply, the power of liberating insights, and the journey to resting in Natural Awareness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation for the Curious

2017-09-16 03 Standing Meditation – Whole Presence & Balance 23:11
Ajahn Sucitto
Standing posture is in between sitting and walking. Standing immediately asks for whole presence and balance. These are great reference points – losing these throws us into structures of identification. [Walking instructions begin 18:37] Sustain sense of embodied presence. Notice tendencies to engage with eyes, pull with head, lose parts of the body. The whole body walks as space opens around your body.
London Insight Meditation "I" without "Am" … the Open Field of Mind

2017-09-16 02 Guided Meditation – 3 Reference Points: Presence, Whole, Balance 29:32
Ajahn Sucitto
Guidance to sense into the 3 reference points, something the body knows but mind doesn’t. Amplify the sense of here-ness, lessen the sense of place and time. A here that’s always here, lessening engagement with what’s not always here. Best done in the experience of body.
London Insight Meditation "I" without "Am" … the Open Field of Mind

2017-09-16 Instructional Sit (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 33:30
Diana Winston
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation for the Curious

2017-09-16 Instructional Sit (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 56:30
Mark Coleman
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation for the Curious

2017-09-16 01 Self Is an Addition to What’s Already Here 21:36
Ajahn Sucitto
The fundamental unit of existence is “me” and we try to fill in this existence, “myself”, the center that orients my actions. The mind creates entities, fixed objects. In meditation we can see they’re not fixed at all, just resonances.
London Insight Meditation "I" without "Am" … the Open Field of Mind

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