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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2017-09-14 "Loving Kindness" 53:20
Kevin Griffin
An attempt to look at how this practice known as loving kindness can really apply in a broader way than just a meditation.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2017-09-14 Healing Layers of Dukkha 47:12
Martin Aylward
Martin explores the layers of Basic Dukkha, Reactive Dukkha and Judgemental Dukkha; exploring how they show up in different areas of our experience and pointing to different ways of meeting, exploring and healing our relationship with painful experience.
Gaia House Awakening in Stillness and Movement

2017-09-14 Mindfulness of Breathing 58:06
Guy Armstrong
Explores mindfulness of breathing in the context of mindfulness of the body, which is in the context of right mindfulness. Describes connecting and sustaining.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 1

2017-09-14 Guided meditation: equanimity for different phases of our lives 38:00
Jill Shepherd
Equanimity for our own lives, in different phases from birth to adulthood
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Awakening our Natural Wisdom

2017-09-14 Short instructions: equanimity and the eight worldly winds 6:54
Jill Shepherd
Cultivating equanimity at the end of a retreat, and a brief introduction of equanimity in relation to the eight worldly winds
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Awakening our Natural Wisdom

2017-09-14 Dhamma Discussion 1:48:20
Sayadaw U Tejaniya
Shwe Oo Min DhammaDayada Meditation Centre :  2017 Vassa

2017-09-14 Morning Teachings - Meditating with Physical Discomfort 1:11:12
Martin Aylward
Some advice on working with physical and postural discomfort, as well as with meditative discomfort, the heat and tensions that show up when we meditate, as we process the unwinding of various somatized patterns and emotional residue.
Gaia House Awakening in Stillness and Movement

2017-09-13 Ecodharma: Buddhism in a Time of Crisis 62:44
David Loy
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2017-09-13 Meditation: Arriving in Stillness 15:36
Ruth King
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2017-09-13 The Racial Awareness Rubik - What we forget but must remember 44:52
Ruth King
This talk explores six hindrances to racial harmony and six principles that support a culture of care, as well as the Buddha’s teachings on the Two Truth Doctrine and Misperception. Enjoy a blog written by Aryenish Birdie after attending the talk: "Why People of Color and White Folks Think About Race Differently."
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

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