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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2017-04-08 The Turning Point - Handling The Senses, Ayya Medhanandi Bhikkhuni -chant leader 1:20:48
Ajahn Sucitto
The path to nibbana begins by bringing values and virtues into being. As these strengthen, they provide an alternative to the pull of the senses. This leads to liberation
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Holistic Awareness: Monastic Retreat

2017-04-08 Life’s Highest Blessings: A Study of the Maha-Mangala Sutta Saturday Afternoon part 2 1:27:58
Bhikkhu Bodhi
New York Insight Meditation Center Life’s Highest Blessings: A Study of the Maha-Mangala Sutta with Bhikkhu Bodhi

2017-04-08 Mindfulness Of Body - Ground, Space and Rhythm 46:58
Ajahn Sucitto
Mindfulness of body checks the speed and attitude of our thought world. Exercises in sitting and walking have a similar relaxed mode of attention.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Holistic Awareness: Monastic Retreat

2017-04-08 3e partie, émotions et états mentaux, Zéro gravité 34:41
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

2017-04-08 Life’s Highest Blessings: A Study of the Maha-Mangala Sutta Saturday Afternoon part 1 64:10
Bhikkhu Bodhi
New York Insight Meditation Center Life’s Highest Blessings: A Study of the Maha-Mangala Sutta with Bhikkhu Bodhi

2017-04-08 08 Inquiring into This 31:05
Martin Aylward
Moulin de Chaves The Art of Inquiry

2017-04-08 2e partie, Concentration et attention dirigée et non-dirigée, méditation guidée (l’attention à la respiration), Zéro gravité 2:04:31
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

2017-04-08 1e partie, Intro à la pleine conscience, méditation guidée, Instructions pour la marche, Zéro gravité 1:29:04
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

2017-04-08 Life’s Highest Blessings: A Study of the Maha-Mangala Sutta Saturday Morning 57:19
Bhikkhu Bodhi
New York Insight Meditation Center Life’s Highest Blessings: A Study of the Maha-Mangala Sutta with Bhikkhu Bodhi

2017-04-08 Layers Of Being and Their Peeling 1:16:50
Ajahn Sucitto
Development of body and mind entails a path of revealing and releasing "layers" of conditioning: physical, sensual, emotional and conceptual.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Holistic Awareness: Monastic Retreat

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