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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2017-03-08 Jour 5, Enseignements, Institut pleine conscience, Belgique 58:15
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

2017-03-08 Day 8 Discussion Group C 1:57:11
Sayadaw U Tejaniya
Shwe Oo Min DhammaDayada Meditation Centre :  Sayadaw U Tejaniya Meditation Retreat

2017-03-08 Day 8 Discussion Group A 69:37
Sayadaw U Tejaniya
Shwe Oo Min DhammaDayada Meditation Centre :  Sayadaw U Tejaniya Meditation Retreat

2017-03-08 Sylvia's Wednesday Class with Drummer Barbara Borden (Drop-in at Spirit Rock) 1:56:00
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2017-03-08 Morning Instructions and Guided Meditation 38:39
Martin Aylward
Embodied attention (Yoniso Manisikara)
Gaia House Your Life is Your Teacher

2017-03-08 Meditation Overview 14:29
Sayadaw U Jagara
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge March 2017 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2017-03-08 Day 11: Morning Sit with Instructions 54:12
Ruth King
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Monthlong Retreat

2017-03-07 Money 41:24
Kim Allen
Kim Allen gave the third talk in a speaker series titled "Everyday Dhamma." She discussed how money is an important part of our life, as well as a potent realm for practice. Much of what the Buddha said about wealth and money was about our relationship to money, because this is where our suffering and freedom lies. More specifically, we can easily have an unwholesome relationship to our wealth. For example, we can become miserly and crave even more wealth. Or we can establish a wholesome relationship with our wealth, such as supporting our family, our friends, and the Dhamma. In this way, we can relate to money with wisdom and generosity, instead of grasping and fear.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley
In collection: Everyday Dhamma

2017-03-07 Guided Metta Meditation Toward Groups 30:25
Shaila Catherine
In this 30-minute guided mettā meditation, Shaila Catherine recommends directing mettā initially toward ourselves, then toward a virtuous person, and finally towards groups of beings. Such groups comprise 1) males and females; 2) enlightened and unenlightened beings; and 3) the realms of existence. Such realms include hell beings, animals, humans, celestial beings and gods. The aim is to gradually expand the field of mettā until it is unbounded, immeasurable, and without boarders, barriers, or exceptions. Meditators may use these traditional groupings or creatively adapt them to support their mettā practice.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley

2017-03-07 Liberative Dependent Arising: Faith (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 51:44
Ruth King
This talk shares a personal journey from suffering to faith and explores how faith is cultivated by taking refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Monthlong Retreat

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