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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2024-04-21 Stress and Release - A Pragmatic Interest in the Way Things Are - Talk 40:45
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2024-04-21 Instructions - Meeting Ourselves with Kind Spaciousness, Gently Questioning. 37:41
Bernat Font
Gaia House A Path of Connection - Young Person's Retreat

2024-04-21 Morning Instructions, Guided Meditation, Daily Life Pratice Instructions. 1:16:28
Gavin Milne
Relaxing into practice, taking care of the causes of awakening and freedom. To support this - refreshing wise attitude, keeping Yoniso manasikāra simple, and seeing the eight worldly winds. Embracing the first three factors of awakening, as the ones we always have some agency in. Linking them to connecting with the vertical. Relating to the next four factors, more as results of the first three - qualities of our depth. Guided meditation, exploring experience through the senses, and how things build from the raw sense contact. The imminence of all experience through the senses, and becoming curious about the feeling tone of all sense contact. Including feeling the experience of craving and aversion, as the 'suffering that leads to the end of suffering'. Embracing continuity of practice. Including the ways in which we lose our way - and taking ourselves less personally.
Gaia House Awakening in the World (1) - Establishing the Timeless Refuge of Awareness (online series)

2024-04-20 Dharma Talk - Meditation is Not About You 39:54
Bernat Font
Gaia House A Path of Connection - Young Person's Retreat

2024-04-20 Loving no matter what: four intentional practices for cultivating compassion 55:56
Dawn Scott
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Cultivating Presence, Deepening in Wisdom: An Insight Meditation Weekend Retreat

2024-04-20 Talk - Turning Towards the Timeless 54:16
Gavin Milne
The inward turning - parallels across tradition, a natural maturation. Exploring a vertical and horizontal perspective on awakening, and how these trajectories interact. Disentangling from Samsara. Connecting with the vertical - attention, the ground of awareness, and inner peace. Normalising common challenges encountered. The value of beginning again, and infusing the body with wise mindfulness.
Gaia House Awakening in the World (1) - Establishing the Timeless Refuge of Awareness (online series)

2024-04-20 Don't Just Sit There 1:11:54
Nathan Glyde
The teachings of dependent origination encourage us to meet inner and outer dukkha with creativity and courage. This session includes a guided practice and Dharma reflection.
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - April 2024

2024-04-20 Right Here, Right Now 50:09
Ayya Anandabodhi
The Path of Awakening.
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Loving and Letting Go

2024-04-20 Guided Meditation - Absorbing Friendliness From Trees and Other Beings 23:59
River Wolton
Gaia House A Path of Connection - Young Person's Retreat

2024-04-20 Mindfulness While Standing 43:06
Ayya Anandabodhi
A guided standing meditation.
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Loving and Letting Go

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