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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2016-08-15 Listening as Awareness 45:08
Nathan Glyde
A meditation on the effortless of receiving sounds
SanghaSeva Ekuthuleni 2016

2016-08-14 Form and Emptiness, Perfectly Fused 59:41
Recognition of the Deathless Element. Nibbana. Radical reflection. Two roots of the mind. Source of thought. What remains?
Gaia House From Separation to Seamless Reality

2016-08-14 Reading: Sayadaw U Pandita – Mother Hen 12:16
Ayya Medhanandi
Satipanna Insight Meditation Toronto (SIMT) Retreat
Sati Saraniya Hermitage

2016-08-14 Mudita 58:48
Eugene Cash
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

2016-08-14 Living Practice 43:12
Alex Haley
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2016-08-13 Wholehearted engagement without attachment 63:15
Mark Nunberg
Review of the Buddha's gradual training in light of living in the world with wisdom
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Attitude and Awareness, Insight and Integration

2016-08-13 Deconstructing the House of Self 58:01
A teaching for an open mind: The Four Noble Truths. Practice within four domains of experience to free the mind. Realization of the unconditioned, peace, nibbana.
Gaia House From Separation to Seamless Reality

2016-08-13 Reading: Therigatha – Venerable Subha Bhikkhuni’s Poem 9:42
Ayya Medhanandi
Satipanna Insight Meditation Toronto (SIMT) Retreat
Sati Saraniya Hermitage

2016-08-13 Integrating Practice for Coming Home 63:33
Ayya Jitindriya
with Willa Thaniya Reid
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Integration: Freedom Independent of Conditions

2016-08-13 Self-view and Conceit 66:36
Ayya Jitindriya
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Integration: Freedom Independent of Conditions

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