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gift of the teachings
Ayya Medhanandi's Dharma Talks
Ayya Medhanandi
Ayyā Medhānandī Bhikkhunī, is the founder and guiding teacher of Sati Sārāņīya Hermitage, a Canadian forest monastery for women in the Theravāda tradition. The daughter of Eastern European refugees who emigrated to Montreal after World War II, she began a spiritual quest in childhood that led her to India, Burma, England, New Zealand, Malaysia, Taiwan, and finally, back to Canada.
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2025-02-23 As the Hollow Reed Becomes a Flute 28:31
There is a transcendent Reality – inaccessible to the thought world – but to be known with right mindfulness and its accompanying powers of mind, patiently developed and polished day by day. These skills we learn provide tremendous traction to cultivate the mind, like gardeners watering the seeds of awakening. At the root of this uplifting spiritual training is the fundamental premise of our mortality. But are you ready to sit at the altar of the sublime and to have your illusions shattered? Like the hollow reed that becomes a flute, empty yourself of fear and be the pure love you seek.
Ottawa Buddhist Society
2025-01-04 From A Single Flame To Vast Light 33:37
Guided by the Dhamma, our life path is courageous. See how the world burns from cruel and chaotic forces. So we cultivate a heart of compassionate awareness and peace, knowing that freedom from suffering is within reach. Our spiritual footprints emulate those of the Buddha himself.  We persevere and endure, powered by the noble fire of the Dhamma to illuminate our way and to bless us and all generations to come. Small as the flame appears, its light is as vast as this universe.
Portland Friends of the Dhamma
2024-12-08 Wisdom Power 27:01
Treasure the silence within and listen attentively. Where else can we find the spiritual heights but within our own heart? In one moment of pure presence, we discover the joy, patience, mindfulness and 'kindfulness' that open our eyes to the truth of what we are. And in the goodness of time, there’s an emptying out. It's almost by unlearning what we’ve learned that we can see the blank screen of nothingness in the mind and know pure consciousness itself. This transcendent awareness becomes our refuge. We no longer look for refuge in other people, nor in ideas, concepts, occupations, travels, wealth, information, anything of the world. The heart is overjoyed in simple homage to the breath we breathe right now. This is waking up through wisdom power – pure presence ever transcending.
Sati Saraniya Hermitage
2024-12-06 Spiritual Joy 25:18
Giving our full attention inwardly is waking up to the truth of pure presence. In one breath, one moment of pure awareness, we can know a spiritual joy that deeply calms the mind. The shutters of the heart open to a piercing clarity that cuts through the blinding deceptions of the world. Here in the silence at the very core of our being, we listen. The heart fills with joy and light, resplendent – just as the morning sun emerging from the horizon lights up the world. What we have been seeking far and wide is right here within us – seeing and knowing our true nature as it really is, we receive the gift of Unconditional Love
Sati Saraniya Hermitage
2024-11-17 We Are the Mandala 24:06
Pure present moment awareness reveals what we are not; and thereby, what we truly are. Investigate and question all thoughts you see circling in the mind – fearful or fanciful, liked or not. Know their clever disguises: impermanence everywhere! Not what we are, but empty, ephemeral in nature, they orbit like space debris – crowding the heart mandala of consciousness. Let go and rejoice when states of wanting, judgement, restlessness, fear, unhappiness and all the many faces of 'self' dissolve in the silence of pure awareness. This is true refuge – here and now. All else withers in the furnace of eternity.
Sati Saraniya Hermitage
2024-11-08 Our Weapon Is Love 28:26
We wake up to Truth in the silence of the mind. Where else could we possibly discover it? To see and understand what we truly are, abandon the distractions of the world and purify consciousness. But are we willing to let go? Can we trust enough to enter the unknown? Humbly and tirelessly, bless each present moment with moral integrity, faith, courage and focused attention. Listen! The Buddha’s voice reveals all, not known by will-power but by wisdom power. Sustain pure awareness – and true happiness, peace, and freedom await us. It is the weapon of nobility – nothing less than unconditional love.
Toronto Theravada Buddhist Community (TBC) :  Our Weapon Is Love
2024-10-19 Bread and Gentleness 22:44
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Noble Mind, Fearless Heart
2024-10-18 The Awakened Heart Ripens in Humility 26:29
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Noble Mind, Fearless Heart
2024-10-17 On the Cross of Compassion 22:11
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Noble Mind, Fearless Heart
2024-10-16 Sublime Abiding - Inspired by Ettie and Questions 24:43
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Noble Mind, Fearless Heart

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