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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2015-08-07 Imaginal Practice: Doorways and Directions (Part 2) 62:22
Rob Burbea
The set of talks and meditations from this course outlines the foundations and some of the possibilities for opening up a practice of the imaginal. Please note that this set forms a progressively unfolding series of teachings, so the talks and practices will probably be more fully understood and absorbed if they are taken in order.
Gaia House Path of the Imaginal (Longer Course)

2015-08-07 Imaginal Practice: Doorways and Directions (Part 1) 59:28
Rob Burbea
The set of talks and meditations from this course outlines the foundations and some of the possibilities for opening up a practice of the imaginal. Please note that this set forms a progressively unfolding series of teachings, so the talks and practices will probably be more fully understood and absorbed if they are taken in order.
Gaia House Path of the Imaginal (Longer Course)

2015-08-07 Morning Instructional Sit, Day Four 53:19
Pascal Auclair
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation Retreat for Young Adults

2015-08-06 Three Poisons 44:02
Bob Stahl
This talk by Bob Stahl is the fifth in a speaker series titled Fundamental Buddhist Principles 2015. The Three Poisons are greed, hatred and ignorance. They are called the three poisons because they fuel suffering. For example, the nature of desire keeps us wanting something that we can’t quite get. The suffering is the misconception that we need to get that something outside of ourselves in order to be whole. Fortunately, the antidote is simply the relinquishment of the poison. By relinquishing greed, in its place arises contentment. By relinquishing hatred, in its place arises open heartedness. By relinquishing ignorance, in its place arises clear seeing into the nature of things and into the causes of suffering and the path to freedom.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley
In collection: Fundamental Buddhist Principles 2015

2015-08-06 A Contract you Wouldn't Sign 68:55
Pascal Auclair
The arc of practice, going from noticing phenomena and their uniqueness to becoming intimate with their universal characteristics. All this to free the heart.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation Retreat for Young Adults

2015-08-06 "The Courage to Cultivate Wisdom" 56:09
Kate Munding
Tonight I will start a short series on the Eight Fold Path (listed below). This quintessential list from the Buddha is a guide to ending our stress, suffering and unsatisfactory overlay on life. It is the path towards true happiness and freedom. The suggested reading is: "The Noble Eight Fold Path, The Way to the End of Suffering" by Bhikkhu Bodhi See: This will be discussed during the next Dharma talk.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2015-08-06 Loving Kindness Meditation, Day Three 30:40
Tempel Smith
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation Retreat for Young Adults

2015-08-06 Morning Instructional Sit, Day Three 51:39
Dori Langevin
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation Retreat for Young Adults

2015-08-05 Mining the Gems of the Hindrances 64:18
Dori Langevin
When we can wisely relate to grasping, aversion, sleepiness/dullness, restlessness/worry and doubt as visitors rather than enemies, they can transform into their wisdom nature. Note: Description of the gem of sleepiness is at the end of the next morning's instructional sit.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation Retreat for Young Adults

2015-08-05 The Sacred Art of Listening 68:42
Tara Brach
Deep listening - the kind of listening that brings intimacy and understanding - takes intentional practice. This talk looks at the societal and inner obstacles to an undistracted presence, and the mindfulness strategies that nourish our capacity to listen in a way that heals and connects.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

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