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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
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2008-07-22 Right Livelihood 44:28
Kim Allen
Right Livelihood, as the culmination of the virtue, or sila, steps of the Eightfold Path, concerns all aspects of how we sustain our life. It is far more than just our job. This talk examines how we can practice toward a fuller alignment of all aspects of our life.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley The Buddhist Path of Awakening: The Eight-Fold Noble Path A nine-week series

2008-02-16 The Eightfold Path 48:27
Caroline Jones
Gaia House Young Peoples Retreat The Eightfold Path

2007-10-20 #1 The Groundless Ground 59:27
Stephen Batchelor
What did the Buddha teach that was distinctively his own view? This talk attempts to answer this question. I start to define three cardinal tenets of the Buddhist teachings: the Principle of Conditionality; the Process of the Eightfold Path, and the Practice of Mindfulness. I then examine a passage from the Ariyapariyesana Sutta in which the Buddha describes his awakening as a shift from a Place to a Ground. NOTE: The quality of the recording of this talk may be improved after 11/15
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Meditation and Study Retreat

2007-10-14 Meeting the World - The Eightfold Path 45:49
Martin Aylward
Gaia House Tranquility, Insight and Awakening

2007-08-21 Enlightenment and Mindful Awareness 62:50
Lama Surya Das
Unlike the three Western monotheistic religions, Buddhism is not a religion of the book. Rather, Buddhism is based on the Buddha’s enlightened experience. More specifically, among other things, the Buddha was an early scientist. He said that if you reproduce his experiment by cultivating the Eightfold Path, your can replicate the same enlightenment result in yourself. There is no need for any beliefs, cosmology, dogma or creed. Indeed, all sentient beings are endowed by the luminous Buddha nature. The Buddha merely serves as a mirror for us to see our own enlightened nature. However, this means that we need to have the wisdom to see our true nature as it really is. This wisdom is described as the “right view” in the first step of the Eightfold Path. The problem is how can we see things as they really are when our attention is so scattered and our view is so obscured by poisons such as greed, hatred, delusion, pride and jealousy? The answer is through mindful awareness. Indeed, mindful awareness is something that we can learn even the first time we meditate. Eventually, we can reach a state of effortless awareness. This clear seeing allows our mindfulness to create some space between the stimulus and our response. Instead of knee-jerk, blind response, our mind has more time to choose a more skillful, intelligent response, thus, leading to more freedom and proactivity.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley

2007-07-14 Go Forth into the World 60:40
Stephen Batchelor
Having entered the stream of the eightfold path, one becomes 'independent of the views of others'. This autonomy is the ground for a new way of being with oneself and the world. It deepens insight and expands empathy, leading to compassion and social engagement.
Gaia House Awareness, Questioning, and the Path of Compassion

2007-05-02 Right Livelihood And Vocation 55:33
Donald Rothberg
Right livelihood, one of the factors of the Eightfold Path, is primarily focused on the ethical qualities of our work. We explore this factor, as well as the related sense of vocation or calling – to have one’s life and work express one’s gifts while contributing and providing a path to universal Dharma.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2003-11-05 The Eightfold Path and Daily Life 58:03
Donald Rothberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-06-01 The Agony Of Alienation 50:10
Jose Reissig
Much anguish and insecurity results from a sense of being separated from our fellow beings and from the world. The strategies we use to try to overcome this often involve the fabrication of additional partitions (e.g.; "us vs. them"), and thus backfire. The Noble Eightfold Path offers a better way.
Philadelphia Meditation Center

2003-05-22 Eight Fold Path 56:38
Sylvia Boorstein
The goal of practice is peace of mind on behalf of a peaceful world. The eightfold path is presented with stories to illustrate.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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