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Dharma Talks
2009-06-17 Fourth Metta Instructions-Forgiveness Guided Practice-Neutral 49:04
Kamala Masters
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Insight and Loving Kindness

2009-06-16 Third Metta Instructions, Guided Practice-Good Friend 64:22
Kamala Masters
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Insight and Loving Kindness

2009-06-15 Second Metta Instructions, Guided Practice-Benefactor 57:07
Kamala Masters
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Insight and Loving Kindness

2009-06-14 First Metta Instructions, Guided Practice-Self, Qs and As 56:42
Kamala Masters
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Insight and Loving Kindness

2009-06-14 The Wisdom of Metta 61:55
Kamala Masters
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Insight and Loving Kindness

2009-06-11 The Guest House 39:31
The art of metta
Gaia House The Wings of Awakening

2009-06-03 The Responsive Heart 60:40
Rebecca Bradshaw
Turning the open heart of metta towards suffering, happiness, and peace.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Loving Friendliness: Metta Retreat

2009-06-02 Appreciative Joy 44:02
Shaila Catherine
Appreciative joy (sympathetic joy, mudita) is the third of four qualities called Brahma Viharas (divine abodes) which are the subjects for this 4-part lecture series. Appreciative joy is presented as an extension of the loving kindness (metta) practice. Joy refers to the ability to delight and rejoice in the success and good fortune of others. Mudita overcomes the hindrances and obstacles of conceit, comparing, envy, avarice, jealousy, aversive criticism, resentment, competitiveness, and boredom.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley Four Brahma Viharas
In collection: Four Brahma Viharas

2009-06-01 Loving Kindness - Cultivating the Wholesome 59:24
Greg Scharf
Begins with the history of the Karaniya Metta Sutta, followed by a description of qualities and characteristics of loving kindness; and the benefits of metta.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Loving Friendliness: Metta Retreat

2009-05-26 Compassion 22:19
Shaila Catherine
Compassion, karuna, is the intention of non-cruelty. It is the aspect of loving kindness (metta) that responds wisely to pain, and wishes to alleviate suffering. Compassion training helps us to remain present with pain. There is no need to fear pain, no need to consider pain bad or wrong. A compassionate self-acceptance allows us to remain present and responsive in the face of life's most difficult moments. With compassion we can ask "How can I help?" and stay present to respond.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley Four Brahma Viharas
In collection: Four Brahma Viharas

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