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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-07-18 Q&A 57:29
Ajahn Sucitto, Laura Bridgman
Questions are précised: 00:00 Q1 What do you mean by “re-wilding your mind”? 19:59 Q2 What’s the relation between pitti, sukka and chi. 25:05 Q3 Which comes first after sense contact, sannya (impression/ perception) or vedena (the feeling)? 28:00 Q4 Does the third sattipatana (the establishments of mindfulness) only include citta of mano / manus? 34:21 (LB) Q5 How to contemplate the “gunky” parts of the body – the organs that get diseased etc. 41:35 Q6 I have a sense of the experience of annica like a connection to dynamism. Impermanence has a very time bound quality to it. 42:31 Q7 How can one develop one’s yoniso manisakara to keep attention turned inwards?
Gaia House Unrestricted Awareness

2023-07-18 The Gateways of Deliverance (on nimitta) 60:47
Akincano Marc Weber
Practicing with the characteristics – Differing temperaments and inclinatons, different axis of practice – Three Gateways of Liberation (vimokkha-dvāra / vimokkha-mukha). Usages of the term 'nimmita' in the suttas and their application – rather than the stock commentarial reference to the Visuddhimagga's understanding of the term. On the practice of 'neither dwelling on signs nor dwelling on their details'. Practicing with anicca -> signlessness (animitta-v.) | Practicing with dukkha -> wishlessness (apaṇihita-v.) | Practicing with anattta -> suññata-v.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Cultivation – Investigation – Contemplation

2023-07-18 Compassion 61:25
Tuere Sala
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Concentration and Awareness 2023

2023-07-18 When Things Don't Work Out the Way You Want Them to 29:35
Brian Lesage
Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community FIMC Monday Night Talks

2023-07-18 What's deepened your keel 18:52
Laura Bridgman
Description pending
Gaia House Unrestricted Awareness

2023-07-18 Morning Reflections - Satipatthana, Factors of Awakening 29:09
Akincano Marc Weber
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Cultivation – Investigation – Contemplation

2023-07-18 Opening to our natural sensitivity 13:21
Laura Bridgman
Description pending
Gaia House Unrestricted Awareness

2023-07-18 Morning Reflections #15: Gladdening the Mind (Step 10) 45:21
Nikki Mirghafori
A guided meditation through previous steps up to gladdening the mind with different methods, with insight, awareness of mind, with metta and other serenity practices.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge July 2023

2023-07-18 Sharing value in the realm of value 64:34
Ajahn Sucitto
Unplugging our normal drivers and moving into retreat can be an uncomfortable experience. Use it as an occasion to strengthen presence through embodiment.
Gaia House Unrestricted Awareness

2023-07-18 Connecting inside and outside 51:14
Ajahn Sucitto
The day starts with a sense of decisive engagement but confusion frequently masks this and we get run by external conditions. Breathing is an animate centre that allows perspective.
Gaia House Unrestricted Awareness

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