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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2013-09-27 Seeing Who You Really Are Beyond the Comparing Mind 63:55
James Baraz
Spirit Rock Meditation Center (Angela Center) Awakening Joy Retreat

2013-09-27 Preparation for Practice (Opening Talk) 35:01
Steve Armstrong
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Through Dhamma Eyes, Awareness with Wisdom

2013-09-27 Through The Looking Glass-The Reality of No-Self 59:24
Marcia Rose
Through the looking-glass of the Dharma – looking in the mirror at myself, looking at myself looking in the mirror at myself…seeing the truth of ‘self’ – looking at myself in the mirror. Only by training oneself again and again in sensing, seeing and knowing the presently arisen thoughts, sense door experiences, feelings, mind states and perceptions as mere impersonal processes, can the power of deeply-rooted egocentric thoughts, habits and self-centered inclinations be loosened and relinquished. It’s through the actual direct experiential confrontation with the fact of ‘impersonality’ that we come to know ‘not-self’…’no-self’. And then for a moment or two, it’s not all about ME. For a moment the heart/the mind is free.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge September 2013 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2013-09-27 Guided Metta Practice - Self, Friend and Benefactor 47:07
Bonnie Duran
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month - Part 1

2013-09-27 The Judging Mind 51:44
Christina Feldman
Gaia House Mindfulness, Insight, Liberation: the Foundations of MBCT/MBSR

2013-09-26 Dukkha Along With the Three Poisons: Greed, Aversion and Delusion 60:56
Kate Munding
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2013-09-26 Awareness Of Awareness 59:58
Andrea Fella
In doing mindfulness practice we often neglect to observe mindfulness itself. We can lean a lot about our minds by watching the coming and going of mindfulness.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month - Part 1

2013-09-26 Opening to Suffering as a Path to Happiness 60:31
James Baraz
Spirit Rock Meditation Center (Angela Center) Awakening Joy Retreat

2013-09-26 Not-Self 62:59
John Peacock
Gaia House Mindfulness, Insight, Liberation: the Foundations of MBCT/MBSR

2013-09-25 Part 2 - Entering the Wilderness 1:13:50
Tara Brach
On all spiritual paths, we journey into the inner wilderness to discover the nature of nature - the truth of who we are. The entry is through bringing a kind and full presence to the life of our bodies. These two talks explore the conditioning that leads us to dissociation, and the blessings of full aliveness, open heartedness and wisdom that arise when we come home to embodied presence.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

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