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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2013-08-14 Foundations of Insight Meditation, Part 3 60:11
Mark Coleman
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2013-08-14 Foundations of Insight Meditation, Part 2 39:47
Mark Coleman
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2013-08-14 Morning Instructions Day 2 48:17
Phillip Moffitt
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Concentration Retreat

2013-08-13 Five Preconditions for Insight: Virtue and Restraint (the second precondition) 22:34
Shaila Catherine
The Buddha taught that there are five preconditions necessary for the development of meditation practice in seclusion—good friends, virtue and restraint, engaging in talk on the Dhamma, wise effort, wisdom. These preconditions, presented in the Meghiya Sutta, are developed progressively and support one another. This talk explores the importance of restraint in a successful practice, and considers virtuous action to be an expression of wisdom. Ethical behavior and the inner respect that comes with the knowledge that we can refrain from unwholesome impulses is a foundation for practice. Precept training encourages wise reflection regarding the many choices that we make in our lives. We can reflect on the intention that initiates an action, the experience while engaged in the action, and the result that develops from an action so that we bring wisdom into every action and interaction. The five precepts, and the ten unwholesome and ten wholesome actions are presented. We have the power to choose what we develop with diligence and wisdom.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley Tuesday Talks

2013-08-13 Big Mind 41:47
Howard Cohn
Mission Dharma

2013-08-13 The Necessity of Samadhi 60:54
Phillip Moffitt
Samadhi is both a key practice and vital understanding in practice. It is impossible to separate vipassana and samadhi as each needs each other. Yet, each needs to be developed in it's own right as is reflected in the Buddha's teachings.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Concentration Retreat

2013-08-13 Dharma Talk 58:26
Larry Rosenberg
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2013-08-13 Q&A for 8/13/13 Dharma Talk 18:48
Larry Rosenberg
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2013-08-13 Introduction to Lovingkindness Practices - Week 1 - Talk, Meditation and Q&A 1:24:48
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center

2013-08-13 Dependent Origination: Desire 61:24
Rodney Smith
We think of desire as a spiritually undesirable state of mind. Because it holds such power over our actions and thoughts, we are reluctant to thoroughly take it on and explore what it is. Desire is not just one simple state of mind. It is the composition of all the links that preceded it in Dependent Origination, the confluence of ignorance, mental formations, consciousness, name and form, six sense base, contact, and feelings. It holds all of that and the idea of "me" as well. As an analogy, think of snow as being the composite of temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, etc. Snow seems like something separate and different from the conditions that form it, but it is those conditions. We can enter and examine the energy of desire through any of these composite conditions. Encouraged by our thoughts, desire also has a strong sense of becoming something, something essential to us. But when we look at desire, it is a future thought holding the wish of a different life. Sad, is it not? When properly seen, we can you feel the grief of the unfulfilled desire?
Seattle Insight Meditation Society
In collection: Dependent Origination

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