Awakening awareness in the body is the portal to resting in boundless and dynamic presence. This guided practice scans the body from feet up, and helps us inhabit all parts of our body. As we open to the aliveness and space inside the body, we discover a permeability that allows us to inhabit the universe of aliveness and space, form and formlessness. With this homecoming to whole beingness is an intrinsic experience of freedom.
(10 m silence) Intentions move from the heart out into the world. Greed moves from the heart and reaches out; hatred moves from the heart and fights with things. We can us the brahmavihāras to cultivate wholesome movements from the heart that offer, nourish, protect and uplift. This will keep our energy clean and clear of disturbance.
Breathing itself trains you, you don’t train it. It trains you to be patient with it, open to it, sensitive to it, stay with it. Balance the doing and allowing, they both have their part to play.