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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2012-12-29 Feelings/Mind Objects - Guided Meditation 36:42
Amma Thanasanti
Shakti Vihara New Year Retreat 2013 - Touching the Earth: Embodiment, Renewal & Letting Go

2012-12-29 Beginnings and Endings 1:11:33
Mark Coleman
Stillness and Motion: The Dance of Life, with Vinn Marti
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2012-12-29 Morning Instructions - Reflections and meditation instructions - mindfulness body breathing 1:11:04
Catherine McGee
Samatha as a "standing in the stream" and not being "taken by the stream"
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Embodying the Heart of Wisdom: New Year’s Retreat

2012-12-29 Staying Open 31:03
Ayya Santacitta
Insight Retreat Center :  New Year's Retreat

2012-12-29 Dimensions of Desire 58:45
Christina Feldman
a talk focussing on the desires that are helpful and wholesome and those that lead to the re-creation of pain and distress.
Gaia House New Year Retreat

2012-12-28 Factors of Awakening - Investigation 57:12
Adrianne Ross
How balanced investigation reveals things as they really are, bringing energy to our practice and ways of developing skilful inquiry.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center New Year's Retreat

2012-12-28 The Transforming Power of Mindfulness 67:49
Hugh Byrne
What we accept we go beyond: when we bring a kind and non-judging awareness to our experience we align ourselves with the truth of how things are and open to liberating insights that lead to release from suffering.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2012 IMCW New Year's Retreat: Awakening the Heart of Compassion

2012-12-28 Heart wood of spiritual life 54:00
Amma Thanasanti
Shakti Vihara New Year Retreat 2013 - Touching the Earth: Embodiment, Renewal & Letting Go

2012-12-28 Lovingkindness - Instruction and Meditation 33:46
Pat Coffey
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2012 IMCW New Year's Retreat: Awakening the Heart of Compassion

2012-12-28 No blame/breath - Guided Meditation 29:25
Amma Thanasanti
Shakti Vihara New Year Retreat 2013 - Touching the Earth: Embodiment, Renewal & Letting Go

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