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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2012-11-08 What’s Going on in the Abhidhamma? part 4 69:51
Bhikkhu Bodhi
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dedicated Practitioners Program 4

2012-11-08 What’s Going on in the Abhidhamma? part 3 64:04
Bhikkhu Bodhi
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dedicated Practitioners Program 4

2012-11-08 From the Nikāyas to the Abhidhamma part 2 56:28
Bhikkhu Bodhi
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dedicated Practitioners Program 4

2012-11-08 From the Nikāyas to the Abhidhamma part 1 50:30
Bhikkhu Bodhi
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dedicated Practitioners Program 4

2012-11-08 Empathy: The Key that Unlocks the Heart 49:19
James Baraz
The ability to put oneself in someone else's shoes is the doorway to compassion. Once there is compassion then forgiveness, connection and genuine metta naturally follow. This talk includes a teaching from Thai master, Ajahn Maha Boowa, on the power of empathy.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2012-11-08 Listening to Teachings 33:46
Caroline Jones
This talk is about how we listen to the Dharma teachings. What is conditioning our listening? Do we listen in ways that genuinely support our practce of awakening?
Gaia House November Solitary

2012-11-07 Practical Dharma for Stressful Times 1:20:31
Tara Brach
When we are caught in a stress reaction, we are in a trance that cuts us off from our creativity, full intelligence and capacity to be loving. This talk explores the flags of the stress-trance and three meditative strategies for shifting from fight/flight to attend/befriend. (at end is a cut from "Love the One You're With" by Steven Stills)
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2012-11-07 Learning from Sense Contact 57:31
Mark Nunberg
Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

2012-11-07 Equanimity 43:39
Sylvia Boorstein
Equanimity is the underpinning of the other 3 Brahmaviharas. All manifest in meeting each moment fully and meeting each moment as a friend.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2012-11-06 Monthly Sitting and Inquiry: Nov 6, 2013 67:52
Gina Sharpe
Join us for a Monthly Sitting and Inquiry with NYI Guiding Teacher, Gina Sharpe. These regularly scheduled evenings will begin with a guided meditation and then open up to our practice questions allowing us time to deepen in Sangha through mindful community discussion.
New York Insight Meditation Center NYI Regular Talks

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