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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2012-05-26 The Practice of Recovery: A Buddhist Approach to Healing Addiction 2:46:58
Kevin Griffin
In this daylong retreat we’ll explore the uses of Buddhist practices and teachings in recovery. Blending mindfulness and the12 Steps we will see how fundamental Buddhist teachings like the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, Lovingkindness, and others can be used as fundamental tools in a program of recovery. The day will include lecture, discussion, and interactive exercises, as well as an introduction to mindfulness meditation.
New York Insight Meditation Center

2012-05-26 Why We Love War 30:16
David Loy
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Awakening in Service and Action: A Study Retreat on Socially Engaged Buddhism

2012-05-26 Renunciation as Right Intention 3:16:53
Tempel Smith
Of the three forms of right intention, renunciation helps overcome greed, craving and clinging. Renunciation also helps with cultivating simplicity and ease, and allows us to taste the deep contentment born out of emptiness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Living Dharma: The Noble Eightfold Path

2012-05-26 What's Happening 58:20
Jason Murphy
Insight Santa Cruz

2012-05-26 Ending Suffering 27:49
Amma Thanasanti
at the Shakti Vihara hermitage , Against the Stream, Colorado Springs, CO
Shakti Vihara

2012-05-26 Ending Suffering - Q&A 33:27
Amma Thanasanti
at the Shakti Vihara hermitage , Against the Stream, Colorado Springs, CO
Shakti Vihara

2012-05-26 Instructions 1 Part Dieu 2012 10:42
Charles Genoud
Introduction à l'attitude méditative
Centre Bouddhiste Vimalakirti Retraite Vipassana Part-Dieu 2012

2012-05-26 On Wanting: Demands, Defences and Distractions 47:20
Martin Aylward
Martin explores the mechanism of wanting, the felt sense of different types of desire, and 3 ways of contemplating wanting in order to understand it more fully, and to free our relationship with desire.
Gaia House Live and Let Go: Unburdening the Heart

2012-05-25 The Unshakable Deliverance of Mind 65:57
Kamala Masters
The clear message of the Buddha is that this holy life has as its end the unshakable deliverance of mind. (The Simile of the Heartwood, MN 29 and 30). This talk is about what is to be cultivated in our lives so that this deliverance is actualized. The cultivation of dana (generosity), sila (living a virtuous life), and bhavana (developing the mind through concentration and insight)….these three lead one securely in the direction of nibbana.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge May 2012 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2012-05-25 What is Non-Duality? 55:53
David Loy
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Awakening in Service and Action: A Study Retreat on Socially Engaged Buddhism

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